Questions tagged [difference]

Unterschied - Questions on differences between similar or seemingly similar words or expressions in a given context.

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83 votes
10 answers

Difference between "weil" and "denn"

Both mean because. I know that denn does not change the sentence structure of the subordinate clause, but weil does, i.e. pushing the verb to the end. Other than that, is there a difference between ...
elssar's user avatar
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81 votes
17 answers

What’s the difference between “Ich habe dich lieb” and “Ich liebe dich”?

What’s the difference between Ich habe dich lieb and Ich liebe dich? Both are defined as “I love you” in many dictionaries, as I’ve checked.
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77 votes
8 answers

What is the difference in usage between “vielen Dank” and “Danke schön”?

I know that they are both essentially polite and mean Thanks a lot, Many thanks etc. but I’ve always wondered if there is a specific difference between the two. Is there a specific context or ...
CraigTP's user avatar
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63 votes
4 answers

Word meaning "to use" – "verwenden", "anwenden", "benutzen", "nutzen", "gebrauchen"

I understand 5 words to roughly mean to use: verwenden anwenden benutzen nutzen gebrauchen When is one of these preferred to the others? I think that benutzen is the most commonly used of these, so ...
Voriki's user avatar
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53 votes
5 answers

When to use "bezahlen" and when "zahlen"?

Leo shows that both bezahlen and zahlen are translated as "to pay". I noticed that people sometimes use the one, and sometimes the other. So, when to use bezahlen and when zahlen?
BЈовић's user avatar
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47 votes
6 answers

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen "Worte" und "Wörter"?

Diese Frage wurde auch hier (auf Englisch) beantwortet: "Die Worte" vs. "die Wörter" Wann sagt man „Worte“, wann „Wörter“? Beide sind ein Plural vom Singular „Wort“ und ...
Torben Gundtofte-Bruun's user avatar
46 votes
5 answers

What is the difference in usage between “Möhre” and “Karotte”?

I've been doing a bit of German practice and encountered the words Möhre and Karotte. Supposedly, they both mean carrot, but I can’t see where these would differ in usage. Any ideas?
It'sNotALie.'s user avatar
46 votes
7 answers

What's the difference in usage between "machen" and "tun"?

Is there any rules or guidelines when to use which one? Du darfst mir nicht sagen, was ich machen soll. or Du darfst mir nicht sagen, was ich tun soll. I find a big overlap in their usage: ...
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45 votes
5 answers

"Schlimm" vs. "Schlecht"?

Can someone shed some light on when to use "schlimm" and when to use "schlecht"? I've found an explanation here that tries to clarify the issue, but in my opinion does a fairly poor job. Every ...
Evan Cordell's user avatar
43 votes
7 answers

Difference between "antworten" and "beantworten"

Is there any difference between "antworten" and "beantworten"? In which situations should I use one and in which another?
dmitru's user avatar
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38 votes
1 answer

What are the differences between "bekommen", "erhalten", "entgegennehmen", "empfangen", "besorgen" and "kriegen"?

Do they all mean to receive or to obtain? What are the differences in the use of these words?
zud's user avatar
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38 votes
4 answers

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen "reden" und "sprechen"?

Ich denke, sie sind Synonyme; aber sind sie es wirklich? "Reden" scheint mehr umgangssprachlich zu sein, während "sprechen" ganz viele verschiedene Bedeutungen hat. Warum gibt es das Wort "reden"? ...
hhh's user avatar
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4 answers

Grammatisch oder grammatikalisch?

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen "grammatisch" und "grammatikalisch"? Ist am Ende eins von beiden falsch? Wenn ja, warum? Wie kommen diese beiden unterschiedlichen Wortformen zustande?
chiborg's user avatar
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36 votes
11 answers

Aus vs. Von - What is the difference?

My confusion at the moment lies in the difference in the two prepositions, aus and von. Please note that is my main resource for words and phrases, and it shows the following: I’m fairly ...
Dustin's user avatar
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35 votes
4 answers

What is the difference between “der Zug” and “die Bahn”?

What is the difference between der Zug and die Bahn (besides the gender of course)? When should one be used and not the other?
lucas's user avatar
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35 votes
4 answers

“Sprechen von” vs. “sprechen über”

I’m not very far into learning German, so I’m still extremely sketchy on prepositions. I thought über was more in line with a physical location than a concept, but then I’ve seen phrases like Ich ...
Konfitüren's user avatar
32 votes
1 answer

Difference between "kaufen", "einkaufen", "aufkaufen" and "ankaufen" [closed]

I'd like to know: What's the difference? Which one needs akkusativ-object?
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32 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between "nun" and "jetzt"?

This question also has an answer here (in German): Wo liegt der Unterschied zwischen "nun" und "jetzt"? I hear nun and jetzt used a lot but I've not been able to pick out what ...
Bendy's user avatar
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31 votes
3 answers

“Food” in German

When I was looking for the German equivalent of food in my dictionary, I’ve noticed that both Lebensmittel and Nahrung have the same meaning and so does Essen, which I had learned before. While I ...
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30 votes
5 answers

Difference between Erfahrung and Erlebnis?

They both translate into "experience" in English.
Sean's user avatar
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30 votes
5 answers

What is the difference between “ändern” and “verändern”?

I'm still confused about the difference between ändern and verändern. I have read something about ändern only being used with small changes and verändern when something changes totally. But where ...
Jonhy's user avatar
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28 votes
6 answers

What is the difference between "wie" and "was" in a certain context?

When do you use wie and was in German? For example: What is your name? I understand you ask the question with wie instead of was.
Debbie's user avatar
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27 votes
6 answers

Selbständig vs. selbstständig

Selbständig and selbstständig seem to share the same meaning. What are the differences in tone and usage?
Tim's user avatar
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26 votes
3 answers

When to use “beziehungsweise”

Beziehungsweise: a) (stilistisch unschön) [oder] vielmehr, besser/genauer gesagt – sinnv: oder Er war mit ihm bekannt bzw. befreundet b) und im anderen Fall Die Fünf- und Zweipfenningstücke waren ...
thekeyofgb's user avatar
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25 votes
8 answers

What are the differences between "Kunststoff" and "Plastik"?

When I googled for it, some people say it's formal vs colloquial, some others say there is no difference between the two. Some say Kunststoff is more general. That made me confused. In addition, is ...
Huy Ngo's user avatar
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25 votes
5 answers

»Für was« vs. »wofür« – gibt es Unterschiede und Regeln?

Macht es einen Unterschied, ob man Wofür ist das gut? oder Für was ist das gut? fragt? Wenn ja: warum? Wie lässt sich entscheiden, welche Formulierung richtig ist?
F.P's user avatar
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25 votes
2 answers

What's the difference between "können" and "könnten"?

I'd like to know when it's appropriate to use "können" and when "könnten", are they completely interchangeable? Is it like the difference between "can" and "could&...
user avatar
25 votes
3 answers

Difference between "Ich möchte" and "Ich hätte gern(e)" and "Ich würde gern(e)"

I don't like phrase books for their original purpose. I prefer to use them to find out different ways to to say the same thing and learn the differences. This brings us to these three... 1 ."Ich ...
Autumn's user avatar
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24 votes
8 answers

Is "Ich bin gut" a valid reply for "How are you"?

I know you have to say Es geht mir gut. but Ich bin gut. sounds good to me. Can I say that?
mihirjoshi's user avatar
24 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between sollen and sollten?

Both translate to "should". I understand "sollten" is the past tense of "sollen" but sometimes I see "sollten" when I would expect "sollen."
Blubber's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

»Wie lange« vs. »Wie lang«

Worin unterscheiden sich die Ausdrücke wie lange und wie lang? Wie lange lernst du Deutsch? Wie lang ist die Arbeitzeit pro Tag?
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23 votes
3 answers

If we say "Frankfurt am Main" why do we have "Frankfurt an der Oder"? [closed]

What's the difference here - why we use am in one example, and an der in the other?
mcjlnrtwcz's user avatar
23 votes
9 answers

Is there a difference between "Fahrstuhl" and "Aufzug"?

As a Swiss guy, I always thought the proper German word is Fahrstuhl (and always remembering the song Liebe im Fahrstuhl from Die Prinzen when using the word). However, recently I have read a blog ...
hitchhiker's user avatar
23 votes
4 answers

What are differences between "fließend" and "verhandlungssicher"?

Filling in a questionnaire, in different languages, after picking a language up, you get 4 options : Basiswissen fließend verhandlungssicher Muttersprache So, how are "fließend" and "...
BЈовић's user avatar
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23 votes
4 answers

What is the difference between "versuchen" and "probieren"?

According to my Collins dictionary, both versuchen and probieren mean to try. Are they synonyms?
Tom Phillips's user avatar
23 votes
4 answers

Gibt es einen Unterschied zwischen "wolkig" und "bewölkt"?

Das mag Haarspalterei sein, aber meine Wettervorhersage meinte neulich, das Wetter sei heute bewölkt und morgen wolkig. Das Wetter war an beiden Tagen sehr ähnlich. Gibt es doch einen Unterschied?
Takkat's user avatar
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1 answer

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen "authentifizieren" und "authentisieren"?

Es gibt die beiden Verben authentifizieren und authentisieren, die beide mit dem Begriff "authentisch" verwandt sind. In Dokumenten bestimmter Fachbereiche, zum Beispiel in der EDV, findet man beide ...
splattne's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

Gibt es einen Unterschied zwischen "Haarspalterei" und "Erbsenzählerei"?

Die beiden Begiffe Haarspalterei und Erbsenzählerei lassen sich auch als Eigenschaften Personen zuschreiben. Er ist ein Haarspalter. Er ist ein Erbsenzähler. Gibt es Unterschiede zwischen ...
bernd_k's user avatar
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4 answers

Difference between responding to "danke" with "bitte" versus "gerne"

I hear native German speakers respond to a danke with bitte as often as with gerne. Is there a semantic difference between the two of them? Or a usage rule behind the choice? Is one more polite than ...
vinayp's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

Is there a difference between "anschalten" and "einschalten"

Is there a difference between anschalten and einschalten? If I turn on the TV, oven, heat, start the car etc., can either verb be used?
Choppy's user avatar
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22 votes
6 answers

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einer Sage und einer Legende?

Ich habe bisher die Wörter Sage und Legende synonym verwendet. Es gibt zwar Dinge die ich so nenne, und andere Dinge, die ich wieder anders nenne (bspw. würde ich nie die Niebelungenlegende sagen), ...
looper's user avatar
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21 votes
7 answers

Difference between "komisch" and "lustig"

Both lustig and komisch can be translated into English as "funny". Are there instances where you would use one word and not the other?
Mika H.'s user avatar
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21 votes
8 answers

Difference between “sollen” and “müssen”

I can’t quite grasp the difference between sollen and müssen. They both express a duty, something that has to be done. In Italian, my native language, we just have one word for both, and so I can’t ...
E.V.'s user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between “bereit” and “fertig”?

My understanding was that fertig means finished and bereit means ready. However, I observe that fertig is sometimes also used to mean ready (for example here). When I want to translate the word ready, ...
lucas's user avatar
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4 answers

Sinngemäße Übersetzung von "venomous" und "poisonous"

Im Englischen wird bei giftigen Tieren unter anderem zwischen "poisonous" und "venomous" unterschieden. Zur schnellen Unterscheidung gibt es den Merksatz "If you bite it and die, it is poisonous; if ...
mtwde's user avatar
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21 votes
1 answer

Is there a difference between 'Gegenstand', 'Sache', 'Ding', and 'Dinge'?

Is there a difference between 'Gegenstand', 'Sache', 'Ding', and 'Dinge'? Can we use them interchangeably?
zud's user avatar
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20 votes
4 answers

"Cute" in German

Is there any difference between all the translations of "cute" listed here? It's quite confusing. Except the one tagged [ugs] which means colloquial, I'm not sure which one is preferred in which ...
Gigili's user avatar
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20 votes
5 answers

When to use “Bedürfnis” and “Bedarf”?

What is the difference between Bedürfnis and Bedarf when meaning the need? I am confused when I want to say the need; I dont know which to use.
Hussien Chahin's user avatar
20 votes
4 answers

When to use "wenn" and when to use "als"?

I’d like to know the differences between als and wenn when I want to talk about an specific time. When should I use them? In what situations would one of them be nonsense?
avm's user avatar
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8 answers

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen "sinnfrei" und "sinnlos"?

Der Duden definiert "sinnfrei" als "völlig ohne Sinn" und "sinnlos" als "ohne Vernunft, ohne erkennbaren Sinn". Was ist der Unterschied zwischen diesen beiden Wörtern?
Cass's user avatar
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