Questions tagged [online-resource]

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Which on-line resources to use for an Austrian definition of a term?

Looking for an Austrian definition of the term "Multikulturalismus." Or do Austrians simply use a German dictionary such as "Duden"?
John Lamb's user avatar
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Do you know any platform where I could find lectures in German?

I have been struggling to find academic lectures in German - something similar to what you would find on MIT Open Courseware, edX, or even on Youtube (it could be a channel or a playlist wherein I ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Commanding multiple dogs with the German imperative

I'm just a beginner learning to give my three Malinois puppies commands with the German imperative. When using online translators to learn how to give a particular command in German, I've found it ...
Joe Bradley's user avatar
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Youtube videos for intermediate-level learners? [duplicate]

I'm looking for German Youtube channels/videos to watch that are good for advanced beginner-lower intermediate speakers to get more exposure to the language. That is, content that is entirely (or ...
Aqualone's user avatar
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1 answer

Obtaining same-grade German language texts for bilingual child who left Germany

We recently left Germany where our son had spent most of elementary school and become bilingual through total immersion. We are interested in obtaining German language textbooks, addressing German ...
barnhillec's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

I have a very hard time parsing long German sentences

I routinely find myself puzzling for long stretches of time over the meaning of long German sentences, as are often found in academic writing, for example. Here I'm referring to sentences where the ...
kjo's user avatar
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Online-Wörterbuch / Lernmaterialien ab C1-Level

Gibt es ein Online-Deutsch-Wörterbuch, in dem steht, ob die Wörter geeignet für ein formelles Schreiben sind? Ich möchte die C1-Prüfung machen und es ist dringend notwendig, dass ich meine ...
tom's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Liste von adjektivisch verwendeten Partizipien nicht mehr verwendeter Infinitive

Aufgedunsen ist gebildet aus dem nicht mehr gebräuchlichen starken Verb aufdinsen (23Kluge, 63). Auserkoren wäre vielleicht ein weiterer Kandidat, wobei auserkiesen noch nicht völlig verschwunden ist. ...
Philipp's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there a German publication that would be a resource for reading that is more informal, conversational?

In short, I'm looking for german reading material that is more diverse than the newspapers I currently read. I do quite a bit of reading online and listening in German, but most of the resources I ...
Thomas's user avatar
  • 41
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2 answers

Is there any German resource that airs television programs and/or films, with transcriptions, that can be easily searched?

Something I like to do when learning Spanish is search for words and phrases used in television programs aired on RTVE, which is basically Spain's state-owned public broadcasting service. The reason ...
Lisa's user avatar
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I am looking for level A1/A2 German books in PDF format

I want to learn German again from starting level. So I need simple books for the levels A1 and A2. Also, I want these in PDF format. Can you suggest me some resources for this issue?
In-my-country-we-dont-use-name's user avatar
4 votes
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Can you suggest any good word, phrase, quote of the day resources?

Can you suggest any blogs, email subscriptions, twitter feeds etc. of German words, phrases, or quotes of the day? I'm looking for something that will present me daily with a single random word/...
Mitch's user avatar
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German movies or series with 'word-by-word' German subtitles? [closed]

This is not a question about German language per se, but about learning it. So down-voters please save it. Most German movies and series either don't have subtitles or, for example on Mediathek, have ...
Sasan's user avatar
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Is there a German banter site?

I'm looking for something like, but in German: full of colloquial usage, swear words, rudeness and banter. It doesn't have to be a website, it can also be a Twitter account ...
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Learning German mathematics-vocabulary?

What are some resources for speeding up learning of advanced German mathematics-vocabulary?
Geremia's user avatar
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2 answers

Are there any German-language films for streaming on Netflix?

I've discovered a lot of German-language films on Netflix that are available on DVD. But I haven't found any that are available for streaming. Are there any German-language films on Netflix available ...
ktm5124's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

What are the preeminent German newspapers? [closed]

I'm curious to know what are the preeminent German newspapers? In the US they are undoubtedly the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune and the Washington Post. Which newspapers are the most widely read ...
ktm5124's user avatar
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Comparison Of Good And Bad Translations

Are there any resources which compare different translations of English sentences / paragraphs to German and discuss their strengths and weaknesses? It doesn't need to be super fine grained, I'd ...
fweth's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Online language exercises [duplicate]

I'm looking for web sites that might have exercises for beginners and intermediate users. So far I found Duolingo and DeutschAkademie, and although they are excellent sites, after a while they get ...
NDraskovic's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Any twitter feed in german with short sentences, proverbs, sayings, quotations?

I'm searching for twitter channels that would provide me daily/hourly sentences in German. (I can read the news, I understand the titles, but diving in the full articles is still difficult for me. I ...
Stephane Rolland's user avatar
2 votes
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German online comprehension sites?

I am practicing my German for a trip to Germany next month and I'm trying to get as much practice as I can. Can anybody recommend any online sites (or YouTube channels, or whatever) that offer quality ...
Jeff M.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Is the Plural of “Übelkeit” “Tabellen”? [closed]

Am I totally missunderstanding the abrreviations of “Pl. s.”? Or do they actually mean on the page “Übelkeit Plural siehe Tabelle”? If I understand the abbreviation correctly, what exactly ...
Zaibis's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there any file or available source for German nouns + definite article

I'm trying to find files or any kind of source for German nouns together with definite article. The goal is to create an app which will use that data and help me with learning.
IMujagic's user avatar
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1 answer

Improve german vocabulary [duplicate]

Can anyone suggest some great website to train German words? If anyone has some other great hint to learn german, I please you to poste the link below.
Nvoms's user avatar
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3 answers

German Television [duplicate]

I learn German the best when I listen/watch it, so I've been looking for some german dubbed and subbed movies and tv shows. Sadly, I can't find much. Are there any sites that people know of where I ...
Kasper's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Is there a two-step German vocabulary test that estimates how many words you know?

In English Is there an online resource where you mark checkboxes with words that you definitely know (at least one meaning) and it estimates how much words do you know? English - http://...
Vi.'s user avatar
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3 answers

Is there a German equivalent to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED)? [duplicate]

I have been searching for something like the German equivalent to the OED, which provides amazing etymological speculation and historical information on most English words. Bonus for a web version ...
Tim Reilly's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Past Tatort episodes with subtitles?

I can't follow most of the dialogue in Tatort, but the German subtitles I can understand almost completely. Past episodes of Tatort are easy to find online, but the only ones I've found that have ...
kjo's user avatar
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Is there a service to help transcribe Kurrentschrift into Latin script?

I have several documents that I need transcribed from Kurrentschrift into modern German script (really just a text file, notepad would be perfect). Some examples of the documents I'm looking to have ...
Justin808's user avatar
  • 369
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0 answers

How do I estimate my German vocabulary size online? [duplicate]

EN: There are multiple "Estimate your English vocabulary size" quizzes online (1 2 3). I've tried to search a German analogue, but found nothing serious enough. Are there none or did I just search ...
Vi.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a site for learning German like this one? [duplicate]

I tried to find sites where everything is sorted nicely, like grammar > present simple > other things etc., then vocabulary > commonly used words > parts of human body, town > food > other words. Is ...
user3711671's user avatar
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German language simulator for training verbal skills

I have started to learn German language and seem to be doing okay when it comes to understanding the grammar and writing any texts. Where I am miserable lacking is when it comes to verbal skills as I ...
ggsab's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Lemma, Grundform-Lexikon deutscher Sprache

Gibt es irgendwo eine Quelle, die mir ein Lexikon aller deutschen Lemmata (Grundformen) - am besten frei - zur Verfügung stellt? Und am besten auch, ohne vorher eine Lizenz einzureichen wie bspw. bei ...
lingumadness's user avatar
1 vote
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Which German films to watch to improve my German? [closed]

I want to watch German films to improve my German. As a beginner, I will try to absorb as much vocabulary as I can. I will watch every film 3 times at least. The first time using English subtitles (...
FNH's user avatar
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What are the resources to learn to pronouce words the right way?

I have just decided to learn German. I want to pronounce things the right way. I started with Pimsleur, but when I compared the pronunciation with Google Translate, it was very different. So what is ...
FNH's user avatar
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German counterpart of Reddit

Just about to recap on my German which I have been learning for eight years in my childhood and teenagehood, most of which I happily managed to forget. All the standard German language courses I ...
matcheek's user avatar
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2 answers

Recommended German-English Dictionaries

I would like to have German dictionaries that include plural forms, genitive forms, articles and verb conjugations as well. So far I have not found a single dictionary containing all these functions, ...
Vesnog's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Which online course for learning German can you recommend?

I got a place at a German university and I would like to learn some essentials from the scratch during the summer. My main concern is to be efficient while learning. I don't mind paying for an online ...
y.selivonchyk's user avatar
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Sentence from Pimsleuer

I was looking for some phrases to practice German. I'm studying it by some tools and I would like to be able to read that sentence again to avoid forgetting. Do you know any website where I can find ...
Revious's user avatar
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Suche ein Forum um auf Deutsch zu diskutieren

Ich möchte mein Deutsch verbessern, entweder durch Sprechen oder durch Schreiben. Gibt es ein Forum oder so, wo man etwas diskutieren kann?
mb2015's user avatar
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Gibt es sowas wie eine Online-Rechtschreibprüfung für Schreibstil und Lesbarkeit? Angeblich hat Papyrus sowas, aber das ist nicht online zugänglich und kostet viel Geld. Ich suche das für eine ...
sinned's user avatar
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9 votes
7 answers

Online Language Tools for advanced learners? Online-Sprachwerkzeuge für Fortgeschrittene?

I am looking for language tools for advanced learners of German available online that would allow me to perform the following: For any given word I would like to get the usage examples taken from ...
Alexander Galkin's user avatar
1 vote
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What's the quality of clip2go?

Here seems to be a neat site. I like the real samples from (I assuming) real Germans...or at least people fluent in German. But I'm always concerned with learning a new language from a system that ...
cbmeeks's user avatar
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27 votes
6 answers

German slang websites similar to

I use this site quit a a lot, especially for English scene forums or chats. Anyone knows a similar site/online database for German slang words? Or translation service which shows at least well-known ...
9 votes
1 answer

Morphologie - Werkzeuge, Datenbanken, Suchwerkzeuge?

theis Frage zur Partizipbildung hat mich darauf gebracht, nach Werkzeugen zu morphologischen Fragen zu stöbern. scheint ja eine Suche nach den Kategorien zu ermöglichen, die einzelnen ...
20 votes
12 answers

Good online resources for improving German over Summer Vacation?

I recently finished an evening class in beginners German (Common European Framework A1/A2), and plan to take an intermediate class in September. I don't want to slip out of practice over the summer. ...