23 votes

Can anyone provide any translation of this tombstone?

wir haben euch zur Ruh gebracht ihr schlaft nun eine lange Nacht kein Ruf zu wecken euch vermag als die Posaun am jüngsten Tag In English it is something along the lines we have brought you to rest ...
Olafant's user avatar
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"bieten" with the meaning of "to ensure"

The example sentence is slightly wrong. The verb is supposed to be etw. / jmdm. Einhalt gebieten, meaning "to stop sth. from happening / to stop so. from doing something". The author simply ...
Jonathan Scholbach's user avatar
14 votes

What is the lady saying between 0:45 and 0:47 in this radio episode by SRF?

It is Swiss German sali zäme, which corresponds to Standard German salut zusammen.
mach's user avatar
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Why is " arbeiten " at the beginning of the sentence? "Arbeiten muss ich nicht mehr"

Another possible word order is: Ich muss nicht mehr arbeiten. The word "muss" is the finite verb, the verb that is inflected according to person ("ich muss" but "wir müssen&...
Carsten S's user avatar
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12 votes

What is the lady saying between 0:45 and 0:47 in this radio episode by SRF?

As covered in mach's answer, this is a colloquial Swiss German greeting. Since there is no standardized written form of Swiss German, you may find it written in various different ways: First word: ...
Jörg W Mittag's user avatar
11 votes

Wenn Leute sagen, dass das deutsche Wort "Mist" "Gülle" bedeutet, ist das wahr oder nur ein Witz?

Das deutsche Wort "Mist" bezieht sich tatsächlich auf tierische Ausscheidungen. "Gülle" stimmt nicht ganz, wie Janka schon erklärt hat; als englische Entsprechung könnte man "...
Henning Kockerbeck's user avatar
10 votes

So what's a "Realencyclopädie"?

Spanish real ("royal") stems from Spanish rey, which roots in latin rex ("king"). The Real-Prefix in your word stems from latin res ("thing"), which is, by the way, also ...
Jonathan Scholbach's user avatar
8 votes

Can "Zusammenstellung" mean "summary"?

In my feeling, "Zusammenfassung" and "Zusammenstellung" are clearly different, I don't see how context might influence this. "Zusammenfassung" = "summary" is ...
Alazon's user avatar
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Translation of poem

It is key to separate this mess a little. Let's start with the second phrase: Es geziemt, da der Meister selber schweigt, daß die für ihn Dir nun danke, der Du oft seither gezeigt, daß in Deinem Sinn ...
Jonathan Scholbach's user avatar
7 votes

What is the meaning of "vor den Teufel" in this sentence "Mag ich vor den Teufel nicht" in an Opera?

Meaning of vor vor is archaic here and would be für in modern German für and vor have been used interchangeably, both with the meaning of Latin pro. Two examples: Petrus aber stund draussen fur der ...
Jonathan Scholbach's user avatar
7 votes

How should this sentence with the seemingly critical words "willst" and "doch" be interpreted?

This is just a case of a bad transcript. Below is the whole verse as it is transcribed here, which is obviously full of incorrect punctuation. It seems like they just mindlessly put a full stop at the ...
HalvarF's user avatar
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One translation uses "were used" while the other uses "could be used"

The original translation has the correct meaning The German uses a roundabout way of saying that the feat was achieved. This form also exists in English: Example "Finally the culprit could be ...
Falco's user avatar
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Ka-Binen Sänger - Joke?

In some southern dialects the pronounciation of Kabinensänger (= singer in a cabin/cubicle/here in the sense of shower) Is very similar to kein Bühnensänger (= no stage singer) (Phonetically the '...
planetmaker's user avatar
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6 votes

Wenn Leute sagen, dass das deutsche Wort "Mist" "Gülle" bedeutet, ist das wahr oder nur ein Witz?

Mist ist nicht dasselbe wie Gülle. Gülle bezeichnet ein flüssiges Gemisch aus Kot und Urin. Mist ist hingegen weitestgehend trocken, weil an Einstreu, meist Stroh gebunden.
Janka's user avatar
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6 votes

How come bold part of the sentence is subject?

If Personalchefs were the subject, the verb would have to be in plural, because Personalchefs is plural. Also, if the bold part were accusative, it would have to be einen Berufs- oder Personalwechsel, ...
RHa's user avatar
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When to use the present participle (-nd) in German vs gerund (-ing) in English

You're right in that English uses the -ing form much more often than German uses the -nd form. In particular when you say "is ...-ing" in English you almost always have to rephrase. So "...
RDBury's user avatar
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6 votes

So what's a "Realencyclopädie"?

It's another name for a so called Realwörterbuch, or by modern laymen terms a Lexikon. In English this would be an encyclopedia. The contrasting term is Sprachwörterbuch. Those explain the word rather ...
Janka's user avatar
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Help Identify the name of the Hessen-Cassel Grenadier Company 1786

It is definitely "Flügel Grenadier Compagnie". The second "l" is a spelling mistake. Some interesting links are Militairy and phaleristic history of the Kurfürstentum Hessen, ...
Paul Frost's user avatar
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5 votes

One translation uses "were used" while the other uses "could be used"

The English "could be used" is possibly slightly more ambiguous than than the German "konnten zum Einsatz gebracht werden" but still ist the translation nearer to the original. It'...
planetmaker's user avatar
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Bismarck/Caprivi cigars

Bismarck smoked cigars very often. Here is a caricature showing Otto von Bismarck and Eduard Lasker as cigars: link to image and here is another cartoon showing Bismarck smoking: another image. I ...
Hubert Schölnast's user avatar
5 votes

Wie habe ich das nur gemacht?

"Wie habe ich das gemacht?" would be a neutral question, where I ask another person to tell me how I did it. For instance, an illusionist could ask this his audience, after performing a ...
user1934428's user avatar
4 votes

What are the two words on the first line?

Quite sure the first word on all three lines is "erhalten" (meaning "received" or, much less likely, "preserved"), and the second word on each line looks like a (possibly ...
HalvarF's user avatar
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Clarification of a piece of German text

Whose account (Konto) is it that the money is coming from when the machine (die Maschine) disburses it to somebody? What's meant here is not the account or cash cartridge of the machine, but the ...
HalvarF's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the meaning of "vor den Teufel" in this sentence "Mag ich vor den Teufel nicht" in an Opera?

It's a simple intensifier. The mention of "devil" indicates that it's a strong intensifier, but the literal meaning is arbitrary, just as something "hellishly" difficult doesn't ...
Kilian Foth's user avatar
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What's the difference between "ertragen", "erdulden" and "aushalten"?

Those verbs are almost synonymous in meaning. Aushalten is the most colloquial of those: Hälst du es noch ein wenig länger aus? Geht's noch!? Der Lärm ist ja nicht zum Aushalten! The verb ertragen ...
Janka's user avatar
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Why is "keiner" masculine in this sentence? "Keiner sagt dir, was du tun sollst"

Keiner is a pronoun; the ending -er is masculine. One of the functions of the masculine is referring to persons, most clearly shown by interrogative wer (as opposed to neuter was, which refers to ...
David Vogt's user avatar
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Can "Zusammenstellung" mean "summary"?

The question is difficult to answer without context - a concrete sentence or paragraph, where the word is used. "Zusammenstellung" is a Verb (verb) made "*Nomen" (noun). The Verb ...
bakunin's user avatar
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Error converting the time to 24 hour format

The translation by Google Translate is wrong, but also »Es ist einundzwanzig Uhr dreiundvierzig.« is a weird way to write the time. Nobody writes it that way, and maybe that's why Google has never ...
Hubert Schölnast's user avatar
4 votes

So what's a "Realencyclopädie"?

I concur with the other answers in that real (from latin res, via realis; sachlich) means dealing with more than the meaning of words, instead presenting knowledge in a summary format. Realwörterbuch ...
David Vogt's user avatar
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3 votes

Help translating 1940 Fraktur font from Google snippet view

… Intensivierung der eigenen Landwirtschaft selbst einen großen Eigenbedarf haben. Bekanntlich sollen bis zu einer Million polnische Arbeitskräfte eingesetzt werden. Allerdings ist diese Zahl bei ...
Janka's user avatar
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