Unfortunately this question is likely to be out of scope here (even if I'm not aware of a better section).
The handwriting is outright awful, so that without additional context information no doubtfree answer will be provided. I'm providing an answer nevertheless to allow modification by more experienced handwriting decoders.
My guess:
Bitte Doni, das Hass [Haus?] xxx xxx soll für deine Tochter bleiben.
Translated: Please Doni [Dani? name, possibly of yourself?], the house [it looks more like Hass( hate), but this seems inappropriate], [next two or three words unreadable] shall remain for your [this word is double underscored] daughter.
Update included comments from @tofro and @Marakai:
The two unrecognizable words couldare assumed to be vorm Autokinovom Vater immer [before, so the drive-in cinema].full sentence reads:
Bitte Doni, das Haus vom Vater immer soll für deine Tochter bleiben.
Please Doni, the house from father shall always remain for your daughter.