The suffix "-chen" is used as a diminutive, but a "standard" rabbit is already called a "Kaninchen", with the diminutive. How do you say "small rabbit" then?
Ein Kaninchenlein
or simply
Ein kleines Kaninchen
like you would have to in English?
The suffix "-chen" is used as a diminutive, but a "standard" rabbit is already called a "Kaninchen", with the diminutive. How do you say "small rabbit" then?
Ein Kaninchenlein
or simply
Ein kleines Kaninchen
like you would have to in English?
Ein kleines Kaninchen
works very well.
You wouldn't say "Kaninchenlein"; I don't think we ever stack two diminutive suffixes, evidence to the contrary reserved.
If you're talking about a young rabbit, the following ones also work:
ein junges Kaninchen
ein Kaninchenjunges
ein Kaninchenbaby (informal)
scroll down for English version
"Kaninchen" ist schon eine Verkleinerungsform, nämlich von "Kanin". Das kann man nicht noch weiter verkleinern. Ein kleines Hündchen ist ja auch kein Hündchenchen oder Hündchenlein oder was einem sonst noch so einfallen mag. Ein Kaninchen ist ein kleines Kanin. Auch dann, wenn das Wort "Kanin" selbst längst ausgestorben ist.
Aus dem lateinischen "cuniculus" bzw. dem altgriechisch "κόνικλος" (kóniklos) entstand das altfranzösische "conin" und daraus wiederum das mittelniederdeutsche "Kanin". Und das fand man so niedlich, dass man ab einem schwer zu bestimmenden Zeitpunkt allgemein nur noch von Kanin-chen sprach.
Dass das Kanin heute nicht mehr im allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch verwendet wird, ändert nichts daran, dass es die "große" Form des kleinen Kaninchens ist.
Das Kaninchen ist nicht die einzige Verkleinerungsform, deren große Urform sprachlich ausgestorben ist. Das Eichhorn, die Mär, der Frett und die Maid begegnen uns heute (fast) nur noch als Eichhörnchen, Märchen, Frettchen und Mädchen.
"Kaninchen already is a diminutive, namely from "Kanin". You can't make it even smaller. A little "Hündchen" is not a "Hündchenchen" or a "Hündchenlein" or what ever you might think of. A "Kaninchen" is a small "Kanin". Even when the word "Kanin" itself is extinct.
The Latin "cuniculus" or the Ancient Greek "κόνικλος" (kóniklos) resulted in Old French "conin" from which the Middle Low German "Kanin" resulted. But everybody found this animal so cute, that, beginning from a hard to determine day, everybody just spoke of a "Kanin-chen".
That the "Kanin" as word has gone doesn't mean that it is not the base-form of the diminutive "Kaninchen".
"Kaninchen" is not the only one diminutive who's base form is extinct. The words "Eichhorn", "Mär", "Frett" and "Maid" are distinct or very rarely used, but we still have "Eichhörnchen", "Märchen", "Frettchen" und "Mädchen".
In German, the diminutive morpheme [DIMIN] is always realized as the final suffix of a lexical word paradigm and, like most morphemes, it cannot be reduplicated. (Inflective morphemes for number [NUM=Sg|Pl] and case [CAS=Nom|Acc|Dat|Gen] would follow in syntactical word forms, but these grammemes are mostly empty {∅}, e.g. Kindchen[Sg ¬Gen, Pl], but Kindchens[Sg Gen] and Fräuleins[Sg Gen, Pl].) This derivanteme may appear directly after a simple noun stem SBST (usually umlauted, e.g. Bäumchen, incl. names as in Hänschen, Hansi), or after a complex SBST that has been formed from a noun SBST, verb VB or adjective ADJ base with single suffixes like {e, en, ung; heit, keit} or a hierarchical combination {VB > er > ling/in > schaft/tum}, see Eisenberg 2006:280ff (Das Wort).
[DIMIN] uses at least three morphs {chen, lein, i}, whereof the former two have many regional allomorphs {ken, ke, che, sche; li, le, el}. The i morph is often considered a separate morpheme, because it keeps the masculine or feminine gender, whereas the other two result in neuter nouns. (Proper derivative morphemes always determine the gender of the derived word.)
The preferred morph in (non-poetic) Hochdeutsch is chen, but certain phonologic restrictions apply which afford lein in some words, e.g. Büchlein. Although it disturbs the flow of reading (except in Fraktur with long s ‹ſ›), chen is also used after a simple s coda, e.g. Häuschen /hɔʏsçən/ might be misread /hɔʏʃən/ by inexperienced readers. Some special cases have been conventionalized, of course, e.g. Fräulein vs. Frauchen or Bavarianisms Dirndl, Hendl.
There are also some words whose base has fallen (almost) out of use, making them semantically opaque, e.g. Märchen, Mädchen, and others that are only conventional in the diminutive, e.g. Kaninchen, Seepferdchen. These – to answer your question – require an alternative grammatical or lexical solution, which is of course available for other words as well.
ein kleines Kaninchen – small, tiny, little rabbit
ein junges Kaninchen – young 'rabbit
ein Jungkaninchen – 'young rabbit
ein Kaninchenjunges – rabbit offspring
ein ?Kaninchenbaby – informal, just born
ein Babykaninchen – informal variant of Jungkaninchen
ein Minikaninchen – informal, focus on miniature size
ein Zwergkaninchen – special breed
A few false diminutives exist, which look like real ones but don’t derive from a stem, most prominently Eichhörchen which has spawned a whole family of ~hörnchen that have nothing to do with Horn. Nevertheless, they’re occasionally retrofitted, like Eichhorn or Ahörnchen und Behörnchen ‘Chip and Dale’ from Ahorn and A/B, but mostly for comedic effect I believe:
Was ist gelb und hüpft von Baum zu Baum? Ein Posthörnchen!
PS: Another false diminutive is Plätzchen ‘cookie’ which does not stem from Platz, but is related to Placebo.
Honestly, "kleines Kaninchen" is your best bet. My German teacher taught me that since the word already ends in -chen, it cannot be put into the diminutive form.
Now for some controversy: she also taught me that "Häschen" is indeed the diminutive of "Hase" (hare), but that the word is used interchangeably for little hares and little rabbits (which it should NOT be).
And to top it all off, she knows the differences between hares and rabbits! She put them right underneath her very incorrect message about the word "Häschen"!
(On another note, Wiktionary says this: "While English speakers tend to mistakenly use the word “rabbit” for hares, the German tendency is the reverse: Hase is sometimes mistakenly used instead of Kaninchen, and it tends to be the preferred word whenever the distinction is irrelevant or impossible to tell.")
There is also Zwergkaninchen, but you probably mean kleines Kaninchen /age unrelated
Since rabbit has two translations in German
Häschen (from Hase)
kleines Kaninchen (from Kaninchen)
kleines Häschen would be possible too - just from my feeling the first one fits best.
Usually, little difference is made between 'bunny' and 'rabbit' in German. Thus, most Germans would refer to a small rabbit as 'Häschen' (diminutive of 'Hase' - bunny).
"Kleiner Hase" would be the most direct translation