No. However, you can use a "Nominalkompositum" (nominal composition) to achieve the same effect.
The first part of this compound word is called the Determinans ("Flachbild"), it determines some kind of attribute about the following part, the Determinatum (Fernseher).
Notice that "Flachbild" is a compound word in itself, but this time the word has been formed using an adjective and a noun ("flach" and "Bild") rather than two nouns.
Fun fact: if you come across one of those impossibly long German words, it's likely to be a nominal composite:
- Sozialversicherungsfachangestelltenauszubildender
- Rechtsschutzversicherungsgesellschaften
Which, in English, could be rendered by the equivalent noun phrases:
- Trainee social insurance broker
- Legal expenses insurance companies
It is worth distinguishing between noun phrases and nominal composition because English uses nominal composition too; even though noun-noun compound words, like "fingerprint", are quite rare.