The verb approach has a very large usage in English, a ship approaches to the harbour, a man approaches to a kind etc. It also refers to mental operations, e.g. "Learners approach the learning situations in different ways.".
My question is, does the German equivalent of approach, sich nähern, has the same usage? Which of my following translation attempts is better?

Lernende gehen an Lernsituationen auf unterschiedliche Weise heran.

Die Lernenden nähern sich Lernsituationen auf unterschiedliche Weise.

  • Your example sentences had a few minor issues unrelated to your question. As the oldest answer below already fixed those sentences without explicitly mentioning your errors, I could edit your question to fix those issues.
    – Em1
    Commented Jul 12, 2016 at 13:55

1 Answer 1


Lernende gehen an Lernsituationen auf unterschiedliche Weise heran.

Die Lernenden nähern sich Lernsituationen auf unterschiedliche Weise.

I like the second one better. But a "Lernsituation" sounds to me much more like something you're in and not something you could approach - it would be more a question of how to deal with it:

Lernende gehen auf unterschiedliche Weise mit den Lernsituationen um.

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