What’s a good translation of slipped in the following context?
I slipped him a twenty.
Which means:
I discreetly handed him twenty dollars
What’s a good translation of slipped in the following context?
I slipped him a twenty.
Which means:
I discreetly handed him twenty dollars
I slipped him a twenty.
would probably be best translated as
Ich habe ihm 'nen Zwanziger zugesteckt.
Ich hab' ihm 'nen Zwanziger zugesteckt.
The shortening of "einen Zwanziger" to "'nen Zwanziger" adds to the casual tone. Additionally, one could shorten "ich habe" to "ich hab'".
Here (Hameln, close to Hannover) it would be, "Ich hab ihm 'n Zwanziger zugesteckt."
Back then in the days of the D-Mark we would have said, "Ich hab ihm 'ne Geige gegeben." That's because there used to be a violin (Geige) on the 20 DM bill.
Also somewhere between Hannover and Berlin, my take would be "Ich schob ihm 'nen Zwanni rüber", "Zwanni" being common slang for "Zwanziger", the casual word for "Zwanzig-Euro- (oder Mark-) Schein". I like the similarity in cadence and brevity of "twenty" and "Zwanni".
The image evoked by "rüberschieben", move/slide/push over, may be a table; not sure whether "slip" is exactly compatible. But chances are that the exact physical act in the phrase is coincidental anyway.