Is it just a nowadays English adaptation of the verb to push ?
3It would be good if you could add the meaning of the verb or an example. Also note that if you ask in English, many people will assume that your English is better than your German, which will influence the kind of answers that they give you. This may or may not be what you want.– Carsten SCommented Jun 10, 2017 at 18:08
Also see…– TakkatCommented Jun 10, 2017 at 20:57
3 Answers
German has two homonym verbs puschen:
1. puschen = to pee
There is an old and almost forgotten German verb puschen that means to pee (to urinate). It is very rare, and as already said, old and almost forgotten, and it's only alive in a few regions as part of colloquial speech (sorry, don't know which regions).
2. puschen = tu push
This is a relatively new and well known loanword, derived from the also very well known foreign word pushen which is a copy of the English verb to push, which itself is a French loanword (pousser) with a latin root (pulsāre).
"which is a copy of the English verb to push" - maybe syntactically, but certainly not semantically. There certainly are meanings of to push for which *puschenS would not be used. Commented Jun 10, 2017 at 21:57
4Nicht zu vergessen das äußerlich sehr ähnliche Substantiv "der Puschen" (Hausschuh aus weichem Stoff). Wobei von der Aussprache her hier das u bei vielen Sprechern etwas länger sein wird als in pushen oder puschen. Commented Jun 11, 2017 at 10:14
@ChristianGeiselmann: Mir ist das Substantiv »der Puschen« bereits gestern bei der Recherche aufgefallen, davor kannte ich es nicht. Es wird in Österreich nicht verwendet, stattdessen werden Hausschuhe in Österreich als »Patschen« (mit geschlossener Ferse) oder »Schlapfen« (wenn die Ferse frei ist) bezeichnet. (»Patschen« ist auch die Bezeichnung für einen Fahrzeugreifen, insbesondere (aber nicht nur) wenn der Reifen wegen eines Lochs die Luft nicht halten kann.) Commented Jun 11, 2017 at 10:27
1Bedeutung 1. wird auch heute noch in weiten Teilen Ostdeutschlands häufig verwendet und dürfte von puschern abgeleitet sein. Commented Feb 8 at 18:46
@BjörnFriedrich Das kenne als "pieschern". Vgl. Commented Feb 9 at 14:29
In Addition to JANKA The verb "puschen" does exist in German, is not forgotten and has nothing to do with the modern German meaning (20th century, "to push something or someone").
It is used colloquially (at least) in the Berlin-Brandenburg area to describe urinating. As far as I know, it is used to describe a pet (dog, cat) peeing somewhere (often in an inappropriate place) or a small child having to pee somewhere of necessity. It is not used to describe a man peeing.
The verb puschen does not exist in German. Do you mean the verb pushen? That's a 100% cognate of English to push, along with the slightly sharper pronounciation of sh in contrast to sch. It has been taken from English not before 40 years ago, I think.
Or do you mean the noun Puschen (pronounced with a long u)? That means house slippers and is mostly used in the phrase Komm in die Puschen! (Hurry up!), and as a synonym for shoes in general.
Or do you mean the verb pfuschen? That means to botch and is pretty easy to distiguish from pushen by the explosive f == pf sound on the beginning.
3Ehrlich gesagt kenn ich niemanden, der pushen mit sch schreibt. Braucht man vermutlich fehlende Englischkenntnisse dazu.– JankaCommented Jun 10, 2017 at 18:33
1Liebe Janka, puschern, oder etwas seltener puschen, ist mir das in Ostdeutschland geläufigste Verb überhaupt, mit dem man umgangssprachlich ausdrückt, dass man mal urinieren muss. Ich selbst verwende es andauernd, meine Familie, Bekannte, sogar enge Kollegen verwenden es. Zu behaupten, das Verb gäbe es gar nicht, finde ich daher aberwitzig! Commented Feb 8 at 18:53