Tu as vraiment de la chance, XXX, c’est pas donné à tout le monde d’être amie avec un joueur de tennis mondialement connu.

We were having a conversation in French, and I was wondering how I'd express the same idea in German. This French expression literally means "It's not given to everyone to (be friends with a world-renowned tennis player)", or more naturally, "Not many people/folks get to (be friends with a world-renowned tennis player)".

The following sprang to mind as its German equivalent, but I wonder if this phrasing might not come across as a bit too straightforward, mundane? How is this idea commonly expressed in German?

Nicht viele Leute sind mit einem weltberühmten Tennisspieler befreundet.

  • Is there some irony (or plain fandom) in that expression, or am I just guessing from the literal translation?
    – Karl
    Commented Jun 14, 2019 at 20:25

1 Answer 1


A very literal translation would be:

Es ist nicht jedem gegeben...

But that’s typically used for personal traits and talents or rather, lack thereof. It’s also a touch stilted and old-fashioned.

In your example, the simpler

Nicht jeder kann...

is probably the better choice, being more colloquial and idiomatic.

Your translations would also work well.

  • 1
    A less stilted alternative (in many cases) for the first sentence would be "Nicht jeder hat das Zeug zu ...". Commented May 28, 2019 at 5:30
  • 2
    In colloquial speech this would probably be inverted: "[Es] kann ja nicht jeder mit einem...." Commented May 28, 2019 at 6:25
  • 2
    @O.R.Mapper "Nicht jeder hat das Zeug dazu, mit einem Weltklasse Tennisspieler befreundet zu sein"? That only works for being or achieving something special. "Nicht jeder hat das Zeug zum Soldaten/ Tennisspieler/ ..." or "Nicht jeder hat das Zeug dazu, den Mount Everest zu besteigen/ einer Wildkatze in die Augen zu sehen/ ...
    – hajef
    Commented May 28, 2019 at 10:59
  • @hajef: Yes, as I wrote, it's an alternative for the first sentence. The one that came with the restriction that it's "typically used for personal traits and talents or rather, lack thereof". Commented May 28, 2019 at 11:15
  • 1
    The "Nicht jeder kann" form would work here in the sense of "Nicht jeder kann von sich behaupten mit einem weltberühmten Tennisspieler befreundet zu sein"
    – Cubic
    Commented May 29, 2019 at 10:09

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