There is a very peculiar English phrase/fragment that is used to express the feeling that something is a weak case of something. It's as if you are warning emphatically the person you are speaking with to lower their expectations for what they might have given an assertion you have just made.
Zum Beispiel. Ich bin bestenfalls auf Sprachniveau A2, und ich bin ein schwache A2 (at that)".
It is the "at that" part that I don't know how to express when trying to say "I am at best at the language level of A2, and a weak A2 at that". What is the German idiom or construct for expressing the "at that" portion of the above sentence?
Also, in a compound sentence like that above, is OK to leave out the second "ich bin" and just say "Ich bin bestenfalls auf Sprachniveau A2, und ein schwache A2" like English speakers frequently do? Or will leaving out the second "ich bin" annoy the ears of a German native speaker?