First of all, a line-by-line transcription of what is supposed to be the final version.
The parts in bold are the result of cancellations, substitutions or other changes.
A few corrections to the punctuation are in [square brackets].
I also included in (round brackets) the rest of the first and last line, which you omitted.
(der hiesigen Universität nicht gekannt.)
Die theologischen Professoren
hatten von ihm eben genug gehört, um Vorurtheil
gegen diesen “modernen Rationalismus”, wie es systematisch hieß[,]
zu hegen[;] auch mich hatte dieß Vorurtheil angesteckt; es war mir zu
lieb[,] durch ein allgemeines Verdammungsurtheil gegen das
System, der schweren Mühe des Durcharbeitens überhoben
zu sein.
(Aber dieß[e] Befreiung war ein gewaltsamer,)
A loose paraphrase:
The professors knew little about him – just enough to harbor a prejudice against his “rationalism”.
This prejudice had also caught on to me: it was all too convenient for me, by subscribing to a wholesale condemnation of the system, to be relieved from doing the heavy work of going through [his writings].
The word you tentatively read as “lens” is “lieb”, in the meaning “willkommen, angenehm”. “fügen” is actually “hegen”: to harbor (a prejudice).
Finally, here is a reconstruction of the parts that were crossed out or changed (the ones in bold above).
In the second-to-last case, there seem to have been 3 layers before the final version, which I labelled (1)-(4).
Conjectures for unfinished words are in {braces}.
- eigentlich nur gehört, und hegten nur [...] systematisch hieß;
- mich hatte dieß Vorurtheil auch
- (1) der schweren Arbeit[,] es mir anzu{eignen}
(2) der schweren Arbeit[,] es zu durchgeh{en}
(3) einer schweren Mühe
(4) der schweren Mühe des Durcharbeitens [final version].
- dies Gefühl der Befreiung