Unstressed pronouns may occur in a special position, attached after the "left verbal bracket", in this case: attached to the preposed finite verb (otherwise, a conjunction like "dass / ob" would also serve this purpose). This early positioning of a weak pronoun is also known as the "Wackernagel" position (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_Wackernagel ). You may have several pronouns in that slot simultaneously, then they form a group that has a fixed order.
The other orderings above result when a pronoun is not in this advanced Wackernagel position, but deeper in the interior of the clause (in the standard position for complements, the Mittelfeld). This is often an option also for unstressed pronouns, although it can be a bit marginal. In particular, however, a stressed pronoun cannot be a Wackernagel pronoun. The example "hast dich DU auch so geärgert wie ich?" is a bit marginal, but with a lot of contextual pressure and tinkering with intonation, I do get it. But then, the DU is in a different syntactic region, as just said. The Wackernagel reflexives, like in this or in your first example, are a very special thing, because normally you would expect that a reflexive always comes after the word that it refers to... So the special effect is that, because of its lightweight status, it escapes and goes up like a bubble in your coke :)