In this sentence
Ihm war es nicht kalt.
Why "es" is added there? I found it in a Memrise course, I think it is incorrect.
In this sentence
Ihm war es nicht kalt.
Why "es" is added there? I found it in a Memrise course, I think it is incorrect.
With another word order the sentence becomes valid:
Es war ihm nicht kalt.
so one would think that
Ihm war es nicht kalt.
is also possible. But the es in the first sentence has no meaning/is not a real object. It serves only one purpose: It lets the verb come second, as needed in German declarative sentences (V2). It is conveniently called Platzhalter-es. So when you already have something else allowing the verb to come second, you don't need it as a placeholder anymore:
Ihm war nicht kalt.
The 'es' is correct. It has the role of a formal subject - the sentence wouldn't have any subject without it. has a nice blog post about it. They also state that the "es" is not necessary here because some verbs and expressions that describe (mostly) uncomfortable sensations can go without a subject.
"Ihm war es nicht kalt." is completely correct. It puts an emphasis on the person denoted by "ihm". For instance: There are several people who are feeling cold except one. Then you might describe this latter one by the sentence under discussion.
Ich halte "mir ist kalt" für die Standardvariante. Im Deutschen gibt es aber so viele Regionalvarianten, dass ich nicht ausschließen möchte, dass auch die Variante mit "es" vorkommt. Sie dürfte aber eher selten sein.
Ich will nicht lange recherchieren, aber ich habe einfach mal gegoogelt: Bei der Eingabe "mir is kalt" findet man allerhand. Bei "es ist mir kalt" findet man nichts. Mit "Mir ist es immer kalt", obwohl mich das "es" in dieser Formulierung nicht sonderlich stört, findet man bei Google nur Web-Adressen mit "Mir ist immer kalt", was eigentlich meine Ansicht bestätigt, dass das die Standardvariante ist.
In findet man zu dem Problem "Mir ist kalt" mit oder ohne "es" doch eine kompetente Info. Demnach ist beides möglich.
In German one can, almost freely, arrange words around to emphasize. So, while the neutral expression would be "Es war ihm nicht kalt", if you wanted to put emphasis on the subject, you could phrase it like that.
It would mean "He wasn't feeling cold", somehow insinuating that someone else was. Like "Allen fror es, doch ihm war es nicht kalt / Everyone was freezing, but he wasn't".
Maybe it sounds a bit inelegant, but there is nothing wrong with it.
"Es" somehow slightly objectifies the subject. There is almost no difference between "Mir ist kalt" and "Es ist mir kalt". But while the first statement is a fact about yourself, the second is about the state you are in or how the surrounding affects you.
It is a very subtle difference.