I always just assumed that "nie" and "niemals" were interchangeable, until my german level improved enough to start reading more complex articles and some literature and now I perceive a subtle difference.
Maybe it's an erroneous perception on my part, but it now seems like that there may be instances where they may not be interchangeable.
For example, some sentences like this seem relatively straightforward:
Ich habe nie im Leben ein grünes fliegendes Kaninchen gesehen
Ich habe niemals ein grünes fliegendes Kaninchen gesehen
but what about these following examples?
In meiner Kindheit bin ich nie von einer Biene gestochen worden. (could niemals also be used here? - it would seem strange to me...)
Ich habe nie Bonbons von einem Kind gestohlen
Ich habe niemals einen singenden Affen gestreichelt (here i'm not so certain..)
Willst du ins Cafe gehen? Niemals!
I'm sure the "mal" in "niemals" represents an element of repetition with respect to time but I can't put my finger on the difference with "nie".