How do you say:
I am of Germany.
rather than
I am from Germany.
I want to indicate heritage rather than nationality. Does one of the following fit?
Ich bin von Deutschland.
Ich bin aus Deutschland.
I want to have a ring inscribed with the phrase so it has to be short and to the point. I also want to infer more than just mere descent but also that it is part of who I am, in my DNA. Thus “I am of Germany”.
Es tut mir leid. I should have chosen my words more carefully. I now realize how this comes across to someone in Germany. I thank those of you who commented. You have educated me and I am grateful. I again apologise for my ignorance. I only intended to find a way to acknowlege family heritage.
My urgroßmutter, Nachnamen Kirchner, was from an area in what is now Germany. As I learn more about what State or if I am really lucky what city or town she was from I would like to learn her customs. How people in that area celebrate marriages, holidays and such things. I want to know more about where I came from as an individual and to feel a sense of pride in where I "come from" not in a Nationalistic way but more language and customs of the specific area.
I think I would better express my intentions if I said
Ich bin deutscher Herkunft
Ich bin (stadt) Herkunft
or even just
I hope sentiments such as these would not be offensive to anyone. I should also clarify that the inscription would be on the inside of the ring to serve as a way of feeling connected to my ancestors.
If it turns out that my ancestor is from Bavaria maybe I could even use
Grüß Gott
or if from Northern Germany
or some other local expression might be a way for me to feel connected my family heritage without being offensive.