I am from Southern Austria (Eastern Tyrol/Carinthia) and during my childhood we used to say Gete to our Patenonkel (like a godfather) and Gote if female.
Yet I remember my cousin always calling every aunt Gote - regardless of godmother or not. Strangely I couldn't find this version of writing anywhere else. (Good luck using Google for searching "Gete" or "Gote", NSA will think you can't even write Germany's most famous writer correct)
ostarrichi.org - which used to be my favourite tool for comparison of German/Austrian words somehow died and some tools they used to have aren't available any more. http://ostarrichi.org/dictionary-search.html?search=taufpate Refers to 'translations' like:
- Gaid
- Taufgöt, Taufgöd
But I have never heard of these versions before. Yet the second version is according to their voting page widely accepted. The Duden, which is listing Austriazismi uses for "Pate":
- Taufpate
- (bayrisch, österreichisch mundartlich) Göd
- (schweizerisch mundartlich) Götti
We pronounce the e in Gete like in Fete or Knete. The Ö-variant sounds strange to me. Does anyone has sources if Gete or Gote appear or has ever heard the usage instead of aunt?