I always try to avoid the verb machen if possible. What would be the best verb for this sentence?
Brauchst du zusätzliche Information, um eine Abschätzung zu __?
- erstellen
- schaffen
- kreieren
- ???
I always try to avoid the verb machen if possible. What would be the best verb for this sentence?
Brauchst du zusätzliche Information, um eine Abschätzung zu __?
My first idea would indeed be "zu machen", and I suspect it wouldn't upset anyone. However, there are some alternatives:
Note that using "Informationen" (i.e. the plural form) is perfectly fine in German - and that's why lots of Germans also tend to use "informations" in English.
Edit to expand:
Maybe it makes sense to look into the more subtle connotations of the verbs you proposed:
Depending on what the person you ask is supposed to do, you could say
...um eine Abschätzung vorzunehmen (they just judge for themselves)
...um eine Abschätzung zu geben (they will tell you about their conclusions)
However there is not a single most appropriate verb associated with "Abschätzung". You may also want to consider using "Einschätzung" in case there is not a quantitative analysis.
Avoiding a verb is also avoiding the use of an inappropriate one. Simply say:
Brauchst Du für eine Abschätzung noch weitere Informationen?
I think erstellen is fine. I'd stay away from schaffen, since that could also mean to manage. So it wouldn't only add an implication that there's some difficulty involved (which may not be the case), but could also imply that you're questioning if the person you're talking to is able to achieve what you're asking.
If you slightly change your wording, you could say
Brauchst du zusätzliche Information, um {context needed} abzuschätzen?
This could be something like:
Brauchst du zusätzliche Information, um die Kosten abzuschätzen?
Brauchst du zusätzliche Information, um die Folgen abzuschätzen?
Brauchst du zusätzliche Information, um den Aufwand abzuschätzen?
Ich sehe irgendwie keinen rechten Sinn darin, zu einem Substantiv, welches von einem Ver abgeleitet ist, ein neues Verb zu bilden.
Was ist denn der subtile Unterschied zwischen eine Sache abschätzen und eine Abschätzung zu etwas machen?
Also mein Vorschlag:
Brauchst du zusätzliche Information, um das abzuschätzen?