You can find the term Big Data in the german language dictionary Duden. So we can say it's a german word now.

As it is a German word, I can concatenate it with other german words. But how?

Usually, if the word is not a German word, I can concatenate it through the use of a hyphen.

E.g.: "Der Deep-Learning-Begriff"

So, should I write

Big datakontext



  • 1
    "Big Data-Kontext", without the first hyphen, should be the correct spelling
    – Beta
    Jan 31, 2017 at 16:00
  • 4
    @Beta Das stimmt nicht. Siehe den in meiner Antwort verlinkten Duden-Eintrag. Jan 31, 2017 at 16:03

1 Answer 1


Definitive Answer

Only the latter one - "Big-Data-Kontext" - is correct, see http://www.duden.de/sprachwissen/rechtschreibregeln/bindestrich#K26


I think the reason for the linked rule is disambiguation. Best way to explain what I mean seems to be by using parentheses to illustrate the relations raised by the different hyphenations:

"big Data-Kontext" - big [datakontext]

"Big-Data-Kontext" - [big-data]-kontext

Another example I came across the last days is

"latent profile analysis"

which denominates an analysis of latent profiles and not a latent analysis of profiles! Thus the correct german translation is "Latente-Profil-Analyse", while "latente Profil-Analyse" would mean exactly the latter one.

  • Bei (noch) ungebräuchlichen Fremdwörtern werden von vielen auch Anführungszeichen akzeptiert, während eingebürgerte Lehnwörter zur Zusammenschreibung neigen: „Big Data“-Kontext vs. Bigdata-Kontext oder sogar Bigdatakontext. Im konkreten Fall würde ich allerdings auch die volle Durchkoppelung mit zwei Bindestrichen bevorzugen.
    – Crissov
    Feb 1, 2017 at 21:30

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