While going through some legal terms from Italian to German, I found these two:
istigazione = Anstiftung.
istigazione a delinquere = Aufforderung zur Begehung einer strafbaren Handlung.
Istigazione means "instigation, solicitation". Istigazione a delinquere is more specific and it's the crime of incitement, which refers to "the act of persuading, encouraging, instigating, pressuring, or threatening so as to cause another to commit a crime."
In the examples above, Anstiftung and Aufforderung are used to mean the same, but although I understand that in a language can exist multiple words for the same meaning, is it really necessary in this case to use two? My main question would be: Are they interchangeable or is the meaning of the second more appropriate for that specific crime?
Would it be possible to say this?
Anstiftung zur Begehung einer strafbaren Handlung
I know we are entering the field of "specialized terminology" (I'm not sure how it's called in English), so common language "has power" up to a certain extent, but I thought that a native speaker would have been able to bring some clarification.