Was "zwo" often or ever used before radio, or was it developed as a result of radio? Or has it just always been used around crowds and loud noises? And have other numbers ever had similar morphological changes?


2 Answers 2


It has nothing to do with radio.

Zwo is the female version (from Middle and Old High German zwō, zwā) for the numeral Zwei:

Zwo Frauen

whereas zween is the male version (from Middle and Old High German zwēne)

zween Männer

Nowadays it isn't any longer in this use. At least zween is marked as archaic.

Zwo is used colloquial and when you want to differentiate acoustically from Drei.

Eins, Zwo, Drei

instead of

Eins, Zwei, Drei

  • 1
    Bzgl. anderen Zahlen: Eens, Zwee, Dree, ... aber ich glaub das ist südländischer Dialekt. Vllt kann dazu jmd anderes was sagen?
    – Em1
    Jan 30, 2012 at 8:03
  • Sehr hilfreich und von anderen beliebt! :-) Danke!
    – Kevin
    Jan 31, 2012 at 2:43

In der zwoten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts hatte zwo zwo Höhepunkte lt. Google ngram, also weit vor der Erfindung des Radios 1923 etwa startete der Rundfunk im dt. Reich lt. Wikipedia :

Google ngram about zwo

In the second half of the 18th century, "zwo" had its all time high, according to google ngram, and this was long before the invention of the radio around 1923 the Rundfunk im dt. Reich started, according to the German Wikipedia.

  • Sehr umfangreiche Auskünfte! Danke!
    – Kevin
    Jan 31, 2012 at 2:43

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