I want to say the following in German:
When children come home, they binge on screen time. [talking about mobile phones.]
But I can’t seem to find the appropriate word for binge. I've found words like Fressgelage and Saufgelage but they relate to eating/drinking.
Is there a general word/verb that means excessive usage (after not doing the action for a while)?
Would it be the word Gelage? If so, how would you relate it to phones? Handygelage? As the only options for binge I have found are nouns, what verb would you use with them? Or is there a verb that means to binge?
Currently I've come up with this alternative:
Wenn Kinder nach Haus kommen, benutzen sie sofort ihre Handys, weil den ganzen Tag in der Schule sie verboten.
Would this be a good alternative?