How do you say that you’re ‘high’ (from smoking marijuana) in German?
Is the expression limited to marijuana or is it used in other instances as well?
Also if there is a term for people who smoke a lot of weed, that’d be interesting to know.
How do you say that you’re ‘high’ (from smoking marijuana) in German?
Is the expression limited to marijuana or is it used in other instances as well?
Also if there is a term for people who smoke a lot of weed, that’d be interesting to know.
The slang terms to describe the condition are too numerous to be listed. When their use is appropriate and when not depends strongly on context and audience - as everywhere, youth slang is highly volatile and cryptic, so tread carefully.
The most common way to describe a person who smokes a lot of cannabis is "Kiffer".
Formal language
Informal language
Very informal
Very uncommon
I heard these some time, but only a vew times so these expressions are very uncommon
[*] also used to say you're completely drunk
A regular user of THC is a Kiffer (m.).
The state of being intoxicated from THC is bekifft.
Alex ist ein Kiffer; ständig hat er einen Joint in der Hand. Er kifft jeden Tag. Wenn er bekifft ist, bekommt er oft einen Fressflash.
(Fressflash is a very colloquial term describing the hunger attack that is often associated with using THC. It is very informal.)
bekifft sein
"High" is probably used as well, though.
The usage of bekifft can also refer to simple acts of stupidity, but is still based on the meaning of "being high from smoking marijuana".
Bist Du bekifft, oder was?