I was trying to translate my English documentation into my own, wonderfully terrible, German when I noticed that this sentence:
Der Benutzter muss nur einige Informationen über ... geben
was being highlighted in green. Indicating... STOP! Grammartime! The suggestion from MS was this:
Die Benutztere muss nur einige Informationen über ... geben
Now, Benutztere is not something I have seen before. Also, leo and linguee have no info on it, and a quick google search brings nothing of use.
Further, MS Word itself highlights the word in red, indicating it isn't in its own dictionary! So my question is, what is going on here? Is this just a software failure or is this a genuine, grammatically correct, suggestion?
My guess is that it is some sort of attempt at making a gender neutral collective noun, but that it is actually wrong and should be spelt differently. To be honest, I am a little perplexed.
EDIT I should point out, in case it makes a difference, the Word grammarbot did not suggest correcting muss=>müssen after I changed to Benutztere, so it doesn't think it is plural perhaps?
EDIT2: As pointed out in the comments, I made a typo with Benutzer. Removing the typo stops word from suggesting Benutztere. However, I am still curious exactly what this word is.