Sorry, but this is one of those situations where the dictionary is useless.

The source is at around 00:20:26 of


Murot at that point says:

Sehen Sie, es geht doch.

What does that mean?

Of course, I understand the "Sehen Sie" bit. It's the "es geht doch" part that I can't sort out. Literally it would mean something like "it goes [on], however", or "it works, however", but none of this makes sense in context.

One tentative translation (PLEASE, correct me if I'm wrong):

You see, there's more [to it], though.

  • 1
    As you see, it is possible to do that. Sehen Sie, es ist doch möglich.
    – Uwe
    Commented Dec 9, 2017 at 22:16
  • deepl.com/translator "Look, you can do it." Commented Dec 10, 2017 at 7:50

2 Answers 2


The translation would be something like "Look, it can be done". Allthough, even after watching from ca. 18:00 it's not completely clear to me what the guy refers to ...


Gehen is one of the most often used verbs in German language. Just haben, sein, werden and können are more often used. Stehen, sagen, sollen, wollen, kommen, geben, machen and müssen are used with the same frequency as gehen. All other German verbs are used less often.

But I think, it is the most flexible verb in German language. Wiktionary lists 24 different meanings of the verb gehen, You should get familiar with them.

The meaning, you found, is listed as #11 in the list in Wiktionary:

[11] funktionieren, machbar sein

In English: to function/work/operate/perform, to be makeable/possible/feasible

Here are some examples:

Heute gehe ich zu Fuß, denn mein Auto geht nicht.
Today I walk, because my car doesn't work.

Kannst du morgen kommen? - Ja, das geht.
Can you come tomorrow? - Yes, this is possible.

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