I am currently reading a book trying to improve my Deutsch and I came across some sentences with the following structure:

wäre ich niemals mit unserem Hund rausgegangen

und ich hätte auch nie ihn getroffen

There's a Konjunktiv II along with the Perfekt. What is such a grammatical form called? I get what they mean but what would be the grammatical equivalent of those sentences in English?

2 Answers 2


The Konjunktiv II exists both in Präteritum and Plusquamperfekt forms. The Präteritum forms address the present, while the Plusquamperfekt forms address the past.

Ich ginge bei diesem Wetter niemals mit unserem Hund raus.

I would never walk the dog in this weather.

I'm giving advice.

Ich wäre bei diesem Wetter niemals mit unserem Hund rausgegangen.

I would never had walked the dog in this weather.

I'm talking about a person who does such silly things. It's too late for advice.

So oft ich dort bin, ich träfe ihn nie.

As much I am there, I would never meet him.

I promise not to meet him.

So oft ich dort war, ich hätte ihn nie getroffen.

As much I was there, I would had never met him.

I deny I had plans to meet him.


The grammar term you are looking for would be

Konjunktiv 2 in der Vergangenheit

There is no choice between Präteritum or Perfekt in Konjunktiv 2. The form is always based on Perkfekt with haben/sein in Konjunktiv 2 form.

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