I have a quick question. I am a bit stuck with the translation of "approach" in German, as simple as it may seem. My main confusion comes between the words "an etwas herangehen" and "sich etwas/jemandem nähern". Now, I know that "herangehen" is the figurative meaning of
- Die Art und Weise, wie man ein Problem herangeht, or The way you approach a problem.
But then I believe (could be wrong) that the way one says, "to approach a woman" as in a bar in order to flirt/etc., would be rendered as
- Sich einer Frau an einer Bar nähern.
But I also see some hits with "an eine Frau herangehen", so I am a bit confused as to what the difference is here. Are both words synonymous in this context?
Lastly, are these two words equivalent in the physical sense? For example, can
- The creepy man approached me from the side.
be translated as "Der gruselige Mann nähert sich mir von der Seite", and "Der gruselige Mann ging an mich von der Seite heran"? That last sentence sounds very strange to me...