I am not a German native speaker. I know that in certain situations the pronoun "es" has a different usage than the English "it", but I am not sure when it should be used and when it shouldn't.
Here are two examples I would like to ask some clarifications for.
Example 1:
I want to translate: "A new book will be presented tomorrow". My intuition tells me: "Es wird morgen ein neues Buch präsentiert." but I am not sure about this. Is it correct to start the sentence with es if the subject is missing or is not the first element of the sentence?
Example 2:
A slightly more complex example. "Moreover it would be interesting for me to..." Translation: "Darüber hinaus wäre es für mich interessant, ... zu ..."
Is it correct to put "es" in this case? Or should I simply write "Darüber hinaus wäre für mich interessant, ... zu ..."?