Even though the reflexive verb is sich vorstellen? And how can one differentiate and use the cases properly for reflexive verbs?


1 Answer 1


Those are two very different meanings of the verb vorstellen.

  1. sich[reflexive, dat] etwas[acc] vorstellen - to imagine/picture something; This use always requires both a dative reflexive pronoun and an accusative object.

Ich stelle mir[reflexive, dat] einen rosa Elefanten[acc] vor. - I am imagining a pink elephant.

Du kannst dir[reflexive, dat] nicht vorstellen, wie es ist ein Elefant zu sein[complement as accusative object]. - You can't imagine what it's like being an elephant.

  1. (jemandem[dat]) jemanden/etwas[acc] vorstellen - to introduce someone/something (to someone); This use only requires an accusative object.

Ich stelle dir[dat] einen rosa Elefanten[acc] vor. - I am introducing you to a pink elephant.

Du kannst dich[reflexive, acc] nicht vorstellen. - You can't introduce yourself.

  • 1
    Super!!! Danke :)
    – Takkat
    Commented Feb 26, 2019 at 12:34

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