What is the correct plural of "assembly" in a German document?
I googled "assemblys" to validate the spelling. Google suggests: Did you mean "assemblies"? But the third search result is a link to the Microsoft MSDN where these guys use "Assemblys" (and I think they should know it).
As far as I know, the correct spelling is "assemblies", but I'm confused about the usage in the MSDN. So how should I write the plural of assembly in a German resume?
Edit: (upper- or lowercase?)
I use this word not at the beginning of a sentence, but my intention is to definitly write the first letter in uppercase (Assembly, not assembly). Everything else is looking strange for me in a German document. As the english dudes write their assembly in lowercase even in that quoted MSDN-Article (switched to english-USA), I prefer the German rule to write the first letter in uppercase. If I now use an englisch rule to let it end with "..ies", I'm going to mix up rules from different languages within a single word. Otherwise I can show that I'm aware of the rule building plurals in english. May be that writing it as "Assemblies" is at least looking "less faulty". Does anyone know?