Decyphering Sütterlin is certainly a difficult task for us today, and there seem to be many ambiguous interpretations of which letters those really were. This is what I read (with additional help by the OP) from the image:
Sie sehen[,] daß tatsächlich noch nicht alles aus den Fittingschen Aufzeichnungen herauszulesen war (mißverstanden habe übrigens mehr ich als Fitting). Es scheint mir nicht so schwer, die [...]
or translated something like
You see that indeed not yet everything could be read from Fitting's notes (by the way, I misunderstood more than Fitting did). To me it does not seem that difficult to [...]
So for one, I guess it is "Aufzeichnungen" ("written notes") instead of "Auszeichnungen". But more importantly, my guess fo rthe last word of the first line is "aus" istead of "was". It seems that the author only sometimes put a clarifying bar over "u" (e.g., in "Aufzeichnungen" only for the second "u"; which makes sense as in that place - between two "n" - we'd otherwise really just have a long streak of zig-zag lines), and without that one can indeed easily mistake "aus" for something like "was".