In reading a web page on increasing word power, there was a German word with the definition that means:
It only works when I try to show you how it does not work.
Is there a single word in German to describe that situation?
In reading a web page on increasing word power, there was a German word with the definition that means:
It only works when I try to show you how it does not work.
Is there a single word in German to describe that situation?
there was a German word with the definition that means:
It only works when I try to show you how it does not work.
What you are probably looking for is called the Vorführeffekt.
It's used like
Die öffentliche Präsentation der Anwendung scheiterte leider am Vorführeffekt.1
It basically means that you try to give some evidence in public while showing how something works (or doesn't work), but you fail because it just gives evidence to present the opposite.
1)That's why we prefer to use power point presentations and (maybe even faked) screen shots to present software in early stages of development, instead of really running a live installation of the program.
The word is "Vorführeffekt", which translates to "presentation effect". It's used in both cases. Something works fine all the time until you show it your boss / parents / friends. Or something broken magically works again when you are showing it the technician.