A language exchange partner from England told me that the Germans fear the English national football team very much, and he went on to say that there is even a German song that clearly implies this. Curious, I asked him what that song is. He was unable to gave an immediate answer, but eventually sent me a short audio file with an excerpt from the alleged song.
However, my German is bad as I am learning it just as a third foreign language, and, most importantly, I am not used to listening to German pronunciation and especially German songs. I listened to the excerpt a few times, but failed to discern quite a number of words, to say the least. I discerned, however, some simple lines and tried to use them to find the entire song text, but Google returned no results.
I was able to understand that the song is about the European championship and mentions England, and I guess the meaning is that the Germans are very happy than England is not participating in the tournament, but I am highly unsure because I did not understand some words and may be missing some implications or connotations obvious to native German speakers. Even if my guess is correct, I am unsure whether this song should be taken as an implication of fear, although why else would the Germans be happy to avoid playing with England if the Germans were not afraid to play against that team? So I decided to ask here.
Here is the link to the audio file (MP3), and its length is 40 seconds. Does this excerpt imply that the Germans fear the English national football team, or what does it imply in relation to England?