I read the question "How to use “hier”, “dort” and “da” properly in German?" and in the answer says that if the distance is far away, you use 'da' and the farthest is 'dort'. I was given a home work to write a small letter to your imaginary girl friend in Munich with information like:
1) Your arrival 2) Your stay 3) Question to your girlfriend what she needs as gift?
Now here is my informal letter.
Bangalore, den 21.11.2012
Liebe Sandra,
nächstes Wochenende fliege ich nach München und meine Ankunft ist am Sonntag.
Dort übernachte ich fünf Tage. Ich bringe dir ein tolles Geschenk.
Was willst du von Bangalore?
Liebe Grüße,
In this context, I don't know if I should use 'dort' or 'da', as there is no comparison of distances (Bangalore - Munich is the only distance computation available) or two places (apart from Bangalore, there is only Munich) to decide between them. So, should I generally prefer 'dort'?