I recently came across a German sentence: -
"Gefallen Ihnen die Rosen nicht?"
I know that Gefallen is a Dativ verb, but shouldn't the sentence be : -
"Gefallen Sie die Rosen nicht?"
The rough translation of the above sentence (according to me) is: -
"They did not like the roses?"
Since the subject in the sentence "They did not like the roses?" should be "They", It means that "They" should be in Nominativ Form and hence we should be using Nominativ Form of "They" i.e. "Sie" instead of "Ihnen".
But that is certainly not the case. What am I getting wrong?
Another sentence which I came across is: -
"Ich helfe dir"
That is: -
"I help you"
Now in this sentence, I is the subject (hence the Nominativ form) and helfe is the Dativ verb and dir is the object (Hence the Dativ Form).
So according to me, a personal pronoun should only take Dativ Form whenever it is an "object".
Or have I got it all wrong? Maybe that is not how any of this works? Please do tell, when and where and how to convert a Personal pronoun in its Dativ form.