I am having troubles expressing "bringing/keeping someone in line" in German. This is synonymous with, "to keep somebody in control", or in German, closely related to "jemanden gefügig machen". In dictionaries, I see "jemanden auf Linie bringen/halten" here: https://www.dict.cc/?s=Linie+halten , here: https://de.pons.com/%C3%BCbersetzung/deutsch-englisch/auf+Linie+bringen, and a few other places as well.
The problem is, there are no accompanying examples with these sentences, and a colleague told me that this was incorrect usage of the phrase. To make sure, do the following translations then work?
- Eltern müssen manchmal bestimmt sein, um Kinder auf Linie zu halten
1.1 Parents must sometime be firm in order to keep kids in line (under control).
- Der Aussenminister versuchte Land X durch Bedrohungen in Linie zu bringen.
2.1. The foreign minister tried to bring country X in line (get them to behave) through threats.