Is it possible in German that a single word has more than one meaning and different meanings of this word have different plural forms or different declension?

1 Answer 1


Absolutely. In fact, "das Wort" is just such a word, as it can take two different plural forms with slightly different meanings:

  • "die Wörter": meaning "words" in a very concrete sense, the individual elements of text typically delimited by whitespace in writing.
  • "die Worte": meaning "words" in a more abstract sense, referring to the statements someone utters.

As another common example, consider "die Mutter":

  • "die Mütter" means "the mothers"
  • "die Muttern" means "the screw nuts" (i.e. the piece that you put on the end of a screw to fix it in place)
  • 2
    or Bank/Bänke (= bench) Bank/Banken (= bank)
    – Bodo
    Commented Jul 28, 2021 at 15:40

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