I was reading a Bible here, and it contains the following sentence

damit du die Gewißheit der Dinge erkennst, in denen du unterrichtet worden bist.

I am trying to understand, which tense is here and how it should be translated

du bist unterrichtet worden

If does not look like passive in some tense, because passive should be constructed as werden + Partizip II, so I am lost... Can somebody explain all the steps which produce this sentence?

1 Answer 1


As you know, passive present tense would be:

Du wirst unterrichtet.

The past participle of “werden” when used as an auxiliary verb is “worden”, so this becomes in present perfect:

Du bist unterrichtet worden.

  • According to verbformen.com/?w=werden Participle II for werden is geworden, not worden. Why is worden used?
    – John Smith
    Dec 27, 2021 at 12:50
  • 3
    @JohnSmith When used as auxiliary verb, worden is the form to use, otherwise geworden. Dec 27, 2021 at 14:39
  • @johnsmith, do not trust that site, some of the information there is just wrong.
    – Carsten S
    Dec 27, 2021 at 22:18
  • @johnsmith The problem you seem to have is, that unterrichtet is the Partizip II you are searching. A second participle is simply wrong in that sentence.
    – guidot
    Dec 28, 2021 at 14:51
  • The difference between "worden" and "geworden" is worth to be added to the answer.
    – 30thh
    Dec 29, 2021 at 7:31

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