What does "das Abendland und seine Rettung" really mean in this context?
I'm listening to "Alice and Sarah" by The Broilers (fuill songtext on Genius). It is largely a song telling a woman (Alice) to get her wife (Sarah) to stop saying Nazi crap. There's one part that's in quotation marks and while I understand the individual words, I think I'm missing cultural/political context to know what it's actually saying.
The bold sentence is what I'm most interested in
Du haust abends auf den Tisch
Eure Jungs erschrecken sich
Man hört Dich so selten fluchen
„Das verfickte Abendland und seine verfickte Rettung
Haben zuhause nichts zu suchen“
I'm pretty sure the words translate to
You hit the table in the evening
Your boys are scared
You are rarely heard cursing
"The fucking West/Occident and its fucking rescue/salvation
Have no business at home"
Also: can "zuhause" mean within the country / domestically?
I'm also not sure whether "zu hause" can mean within the country (as opposed to internaionally) or whether it only literally means home as in WG / house.