Looking to decipher of the two red highlighted sections of the attached report. My ancestor that is mentioned in the report is Leyman. enter image description here

  • 3
    Don't ask for translation or your question might be closed due to formal reasons. You might ask for deciphering, that's agreed to be acceptable.
    – tofro
    Commented Jul 26, 2022 at 8:30

1 Answer 1



Patrouillen Rapport

Von dem vom Hochlöblichen Hussaren Regiment nach Lohra detachirten Commando vom 25ten bis inclusive den 31ten Octobr 1795.

< Da>tum < Octo>b: <179>5 // Wer die Patrouille geritten // Stunde: des Abgangs / der Wiederankunft // Was für einen Weg sie genommen, und was für Orthe sie berührt hat. // Ob sie etwas angetroffen, und was sie neues eingebracht hat.

<den 2>6ten // Gefr: Leyman Hussar Bergman // Mittag 12 / Nach Mitt. 4 // Heimershausen und die Grenze von Züschen // ∅

Interestingly, the row for the 29th of October mentions another "Hussar Leyman". Here is the transcription:

<den 2>9ten // Gefr: Hahn Hussar Leyman // Morg 8 / Nach Mit 1/2 1 // Balhorn // ∅


  • The place name I decipher "Lohra" could hypothetically be read as "Lohna", but from your other post we know that this regiment was stationed at Lohra, Hessen.

  • In the extra row, the expression "1/2 1" stands for "halb eins", or 12:30 (PM).


Report of patrols

[conducted] by the unit detached to Lohra from the honored/commendable(?) Hussar Regiment from October 25th through 31th, 1795.

Date in October 1795 // Who rode on patrol // Hour: of departure / of return // What route it took and what places it touched upon // Whether it came across something [worth reporting], and what news it gathered.

26th // Gefreiter Leyman, hussar Bergman // 12 (noon) / 4 PM / Heimershausen and the border at Züschen // none

And the extra row with the hussar Leyman:

29th // Gefreiter Hahn, hussar Leyman // 8 AM / 12:30 PM / Balhorn // none


  • I translated "hochlöblich" as "honored/commendable"; I do not know whether this might be a more specific, technical predicate for military units. (Maybe along the lines of: decorated? veteran? or the like.)

  • The row of the 29th mentions a "Hussar Leyman", while the row of the 26th that you marked mentions a "Gefr: Leyman". Assuming rigid ranks and roles in the regiment, these must be two different people sharing the name Leyman. I leave it to you to decide which one is your ancestor.

EDIT: As @HalvarF and @PaulFrost have pointed out in the comments, a Gefreiter was one rank higher than a simple hussar (in my original answer, I had assumed the opposite). From your earlier post, we gather that your ancestor Leyman was a hussar in late 1798/early 1799. Identifying your ancestor with the Gefreiter in this 1795 document would entail his demotion to the lowest rank of hussar in the meantime.

  • 1
    Could the "Gefr." be something else, like "Gn.fr" and just mark the leader of the patrouille (e.g. Gruppenführer, but I don't know it it's that)? "Ziehm" and "Estein"(?) are also mentioned once as Gn.fr. and once as a Hussar. It would also be a bit strange to always mention a Gefreiter (lower rank) before a Hussar.
    – HalvarF
    Commented Jul 26, 2022 at 13:55
  • @HalvarF: Agree with your sound observations on the strange order of ranks and on the repetition of names. – However, (1) look at the "-e-"s in other words (Weg, geritten, genommen), this I think forces us to read "Gefr."; and (2) compare the other patrol report from 1799, where the word is consistently (almost) written out as "Gefreit."; which I assume applies here too. – Even assuming rigid ranks and roles (private vs. hussar), the repeated names might be due to family kinship among the soldiers, or to mere homonimy.
    – marquinho
    Commented Jul 26, 2022 at 16:26
  • 1
    @marquinho: Ah, I didn't see the other question -- that's very convincing of course. I also found out that my idea of the ranks was wrong: Hussar was the lower and Gefreiter was the higher rank.
    – HalvarF
    Commented Jul 27, 2022 at 12:54
  • 1
    @marquinho: not for that time and place, and not a citeable one. But it seems to be a very basic fact (that I just didn't know). The Husar was the simple soldier rank, the Gefreiter was one above. Before that they were "Rekrut". See e.g. de.wikipedia.org/wiki/… Today it's different since e.g. in the Bundeswehr, basically everyone becomes a "Gefreiter" already after 6 months, so the simple soldier ranks like "Schütze", "Flieger", "Matrose" etc. are now devalued to what was the Rekrut back then.
    – HalvarF
    Commented Jul 27, 2022 at 16:51
  • 1
    @marquinho Look at p.77 of vhghessen.de/inhalt/dig_bib/…. A "Hussar" was a member of a cavalry regiment (see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hussar) and I think that HalvarF is right when he states that if "Hussar" is used as a military rank, it is the lowest one, i.e. a Gemeiner.
    – Paul Frost
    Commented Aug 8, 2022 at 23:28

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