I came across this example in a textbook:

Planen Sie auch Stau oder Ähnliches mit ein.

The verb is clearly "einplanen". The meaning of the sentence can be understood easily. However, I wonder why there is a "mit" there.


3 Answers 3


It is a particle/separable prefix that is written separately from the rest of the word.

So "mit einplanen" has two parts it can separate: "mit" and "ein". When the verb is "disassembled" in your sentence structure, you keep finding them in this order: Ich plane das mit ein..

For verbs for which permanent involvement/participation or union is expressed, it is written unseparated (in the sense of a spacing between them): mitbringen, mitmachen, mitwirken, mitwollen, usw. But this is by far not always clear and you could argue, a question of interpretation. Some allow both writings: mit berücksichtigen / mitberücksichtigen, mit unterzeichnen / mitunterzeichnen.
Some that allow only separated writing are: mit ansehen, mit übernehmen.

So notably, "Hilf mir mit aufladen" and "Hilf mir mit dem Aufladen" don't use "mit" the same way.

Some examples for your understanding:

Ich muss das Dokument mitunterzeichnen / mit unterzeichnen.
Ich helfe, das Dokument mit zu unterzeichnen / mitzuunterzeichnen.
Wie unterzeichne ich das Dokument mit?
Sieh dir das mit an!
Ich will es mit ansehen.

"Mit" is stressed.

  • Sollte der zweite Satz nicht sein "So "miteinplanen" has two parts it can separate..." or since I think it always has to be separated "So "mit einplanen" has two parts it can separate..." Commented Apr 21, 2023 at 17:43
  • @YanickSalzmann Thank you for the correction. Commented Apr 21, 2023 at 18:50

"Mit" in this case probably isn't a preposition, but a prefix to the verb "einplanen". "Miteinplanen" seems a bit unwieldy at first glance, but the similar verb "mitberücksichtigen" has entries at Duden and DWDS. Both mention "mit berücksichtigen" as "verwandte Form" and "Nebenform", respectively. I would understand "miteinplanen" or "mit einplanen" in a similar fashion. DWDS has a seperate entry for the prefix mit-, and Duden lists the similar prefix Mit- to use with nouns.


Mit can be used as a prefix on top of another prefix. It is separated with a space when the other prefix is separated as well, and it may be separated with a space otherwise.

The meaning is roughly also, as well.

  • This is a pattern, but is it always true? It is also separated for mit übernehmen, which only has one prefix: "mit". Dudenband 9 only gives meaning-related advice to it. I don't think you can make a rule like this. Commented Apr 21, 2023 at 10:33
  • People write both mit übernehmen and mitübernehmen. The only rule you can state is that people don't combine mit and a separated prefix.
    – Janka
    Commented Apr 21, 2023 at 12:28
  • If what you said was true, then "miteinbeziehen" should not be listed in Duden as an alternative to "mit einbeziehen", both having the separable prefix "ein". DWDS also lists "miteinbeziehen". Commented Apr 21, 2023 at 13:40
  • 1
    You haven't understood what I have written. This is not about separable prefixes but about separated prefixes. So you can write mit einbeziehen and miteinbeziehen but not Er bezieht es mitein. but only Er bezieht es mit ein.
    – Janka
    Commented Apr 21, 2023 at 16:06

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