I'm confused about the correct case to use in a temporal complement: do you need the accusative?

I'm asking about the expression of a well determined time (that does not continue). Examples may be:

In summer I always go swimming

Last December, it snowed a lot

You'll have a job in 2014

1 Answer 1


Time indications including nouns are often introduced using a preposition (in, an). If we are talking about a fixed point in time, the preposition will need Dative.

There are many instances of time indications that don't have neither preposition nor article:

Letzten Montag war ich schwimmen.

Nächstes Jahr fahre ich in den Urlaub.

Diese Woche habe ich frei.

Those are in Accusative.

  • Is it "fahre ich"? Or can you avoid writing the subject? Commented Jul 22, 2013 at 12:03
  • Oops... no you can't :). That is a mistake, sorry
    – Emanuel
    Commented Jul 22, 2013 at 12:05

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