English "station" is not always German "Bahnhof".
A Bahnhof is a large building with a waiting hall and counters where you can buy tickets and very often also some stores where you can buy food, drinks and newspapers. But most important: It's only for trains (vehicles running on rails). But the English word "station" can also mean a small bus stop with nothing else but a pole with a sign on it. Later is a Haltestelle in German. For both, Bahnhof and Haltestelle, you can use the German word Station. (Note, that the German pronunciation is different from the English.) If you know, that there is a waiting hall, and that it's a train station then "Bahnhof" is preferred. If it's just a tiny bus stop, then use Haltestelle. If you're not sure, use Station.
In bigger cities there are often also stations where many bus lines have their final station. Such places are sometimes called Busbahnhof although Bus (English: bus) and Bahn (English: train) in one word is technically a contradiction. But such stations are too big to call them Haltestelle as you usually do with each bus stop. But because it's similar to a Bahnhof but just for busses instead for trains, we use Busbahnhof in such a case.
"how to + infinitive" is not "wie zu + Infinitiv" but "wie man + Verb in 3. Person singular"
This is a typical beginners error:
Please show me how to open this box.
wrong: Bitte zeige mir, wie zu öffnen diese Schachtel.
correct: Bitte zeige mir, wie man diese Schachtel öffnet.
Also possible and correct, but rarely used by native speakers:
Bitte zeige mir, wie diese Schachtel zu öffnen ist.
The German word "man"
This is a generalizing pronoun. Generalizing pronouns are similar to personal pronouns and to indefinite pronouns, and sometimes generalizing pronoun are classified as subtypes of these classes, but in modern linguistics generalizing pronouns are treated as a distinct class (not a subclass of other pronoun classes). German has two of them:
English has no distinct generalizing pronouns. What comes closest is the pronoun one, but in English language, the pronoun you is often preferred, because in English one often sounds too formal. So it's hard to translate man/einen from German to English, but it's also hard to translate sentences correctly from English to German that would require these generalizing pronouns in the German translation.
Here is an example:
How do you open this box?
If you want to know how the one specific person you are talking to opens this box, this is in German:
Wie öffnen Sie diese Schachtel?
Wie öffnest du diese Schachtel?
So, you use a personal pronoun, because it refers to a specific person. But when you just want to know how to open the box, regardless of who opens it, then in German a personal pronoun is the wrong choice (while it's the preferred version in English). Then you need a generalizing pronoun:
Wie öffnet man diese Schachtel?
When you translate this sentence back into English, you have these possibilities:
- How to open this box?
- How does one open this box?
- How do you open this box?
#1 uses no pronoun at all. If such a construction is possible, it is often the best choice.
#2 sounds formal and is rarely used in spoken English.
#3 is ambiguous. (Does the speaker mean the person they speaks to, or do they mean the general case?)
Note, that in German you also can use the pronoun du in a generalizing manner. This is similar to the English you, but in German usually man is preferred:
Als Politiker musst du manchmal auch unliebsame Entscheidungen treffen.
Als Politiker muss man manchmal auch unliebsame Entscheidungen treffen.
As a politician, you sometimes have to make unpopular decisions.
As a politician, one sometimes has to make unpopular decisions.
But other as usually possible, this generalizing du cannot be transformed in the formal form Sie. If you do so, you loose any generalizing meaning: