Jeder Trank gibt euch grundsätzlich 5 Prozent Erfahrungspunktegewinn, was eigentlich schon Grund genug sein sollte, sich regelmäßig einen Schluck zu genehmigen. Um welchen Trank es sich handelt, ist da ganz egal.
So uh, I know welcher
can be a relative pronoun and I know you can start a relative clause with any Präposition, so that would check it as being a potential Relativsatz. The problem is that it doesn't feel like it's relative to something to me. There's no information available to me (looked on the internet, or in my books) when an indirect question can start with a preposition, so it's a confusing case to me. I do see it being a Subjektsatz but then the Nebensatz has to be of some type on top of that, right?