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Questions tagged [adjective]

Adjektive – Questions on the grammar and usage of adjectives IN GENERAL. Do not use this for questions on the meaning, etymology, translation or similar of specific adjectives.

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What's the difference between "nah" and "nahe"?

I'm refreshing my german knowledge and learn the adjectives with all comparison forms (i.e. instead of learning the better = besser I learn good = gut - besser - besten). Consequently when coming ...
skyking's user avatar
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Does this use the "sein + zu + infinitive" construction? If so, is "leicht" an adjective or an adverb?

Consider the following sentence: "Das Buch ist leicht zu verstehen" meaning "the book is easy to understand." My question is: in this sentence, is "leicht" an adjective ...
Pascal's user avatar
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Loss of adjective in verbalisierung

Die möglichen Auswirkungen (1) der neuen Technologien auf die Qualität unserer Nahrungsmittel kennen (2) nur noch die Experten. Verbalisierung Satzumformung Nur noch ____, wie ___ Soltn: 5. Nur ...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
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Possessive adjective used predicatively?

Is it correct to say that possessive adjective could never be used predicatively? That is, it could only be used attributively as complement of a head noun? I ask this because I could not find any ...
Ali Koohpaee's user avatar
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Compounds made of adjective + noun vs. noun phrase made of adj. + noun

Does exist any rule in German where to form a compound, which is made of an adjective (as first element) + a noun, instead of a noun phrase consisting of adj. + noun. E.g. Wissenschaftszeitschrift vs. ...
Curious Mind's user avatar
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Can a declension form of adjective be used predicatively?

I know in most cases only attributive adjectives have declension forms. However, when I am reading Heidegger's Sein und Zeit recently, I've found the following sentence: Verloren haben kann es sich ...
Levinist's user avatar
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What is this grammar in relation to "folgend"?

Both DWDS and Duden specify folgend as an adjective. However, these uses in DWDS appear not to be using folgend as an adjective: "Intelligence" Red X, 2014 (Filmuntertitel): Vor drei Wochen ...
user44591's user avatar
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Is there a difference between "tief" and "niedrig"?

From what I see, tief means deep while niedrig means low. However, I have seen some websites claim that tief can also be used as low. Is it situational or geographical? Is one more common than the ...
Blair the Language Learner's user avatar
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Wird hier "veranlasst" im Sinne von "angewandt" benutzt?

Der Arztbrief gibt einen zusammenfassenden Überblick über den Status des Patienten bei der Entlassung, einen Rückblick über den Krankheitsverlauf, die veranlasste Therapie, eine Interpretation des ...
Anna's user avatar
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German adjectives used as nouns; their gender?

Every German noun does belong to one of the three genders: Masculine, Feminine or Neuter . However, adjectives do not belong to gender classes; their gender has to be "determined" by the ...
Ali Koohpaee's user avatar
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Adjectives separated by comma vs a chain

I kept searching on internet of this topic but I can't find any good results, and I feel sort of uneasy giving examples. So could someone guide me on how to do the task in the question? WHen I say &...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
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Understanding a usage of "möglichst"

I am trying to understand the usage of möglichst in the below. Schlaf. Gesunder und möglichst ununterbrochener Schlaf ist ein wichtiger Faktor für das menschliche Wohlbefinden, der in unserer ...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
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Endings of 2 adjectives after mit [duplicate]

I read this sentence in Harry Potter: "Okay, sagte Harry mit ungewohnt trockenem Mund". I thought it should be "mit ungewohntem trockenen Mund". What's the rule for adjective ...
David Klempfner's user avatar
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why is it 'Solcher' in this sentence? (solcher Vokabeln)

I was studying a video and found a sentence in which I can't exactly understand the usage of a word. Please see Because the word '...
Chan Kim's user avatar
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zero-ending attributive adjective before a language name

So I've stumbled upon the following phrase: Er ist so müde, dass er nur langsam Deutsch sprechen kann. My question is why is langsam used without an ending? I'm aware that language names in German ...
Dr.Doom's user avatar
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"Viel" vs "vieles" in diesem Satz

Im folgenden Satz Wie Kerstin Cuhls berichtet, wird durch moderne Kommunikationsmittel vieles möglich wieso ist es "vieles" und nicht "viel"? Ich habe gelesen, dass manchmal &...
Cerulean's user avatar
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Geschütztes Leerzeichen nach Zahl, vor adjektiv

30 Kilogramm kann man mit geschütztem Leerzeichen schreiben, wenn man die Zeit und die Tastaturkürzel hat. Wenn visuell ° = geschütztes Leerzeichen, dann: 30°Kilogramm 30 Äpfel auch, oder? Also: 30°...
qubodup's user avatar
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Adjektive, and other grammar questions

Given the following example: Reisen ist einer der attraktivsten Aspekte bei meiner Arbeit. My questions: Is "Reisen" the subject? Is "Aspekte" an object in accusative case? The ...
Donald's user avatar
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Should adjectives be written with or without determinate articles when in genitive?

I know this is quite the dumb question, but I was wondering what the correct usage of adjectives when in genitive was. My confusion stems from the following sentence on the Axiom of Choice (...
Sho's user avatar
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Why is "prima" not inflected?

Reasons for non-inflection of adjectives are Fixed expressions (ruhig Blut) Color words (lila Haus) derivations with -er (Hamburger Marktplatz) But "prima" does not seem to fit into any of ...
EagleFliesBanana's user avatar
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Adjectives skipping declensions...? [duplicate]

Da der reibungslose Transport von Waren und Versorgungsgütern in Deutschland nach wie vor auf einwandfrei funktionierende Straßen angewiesen ist, müssen Bundesstrassen, Autobahnen und Brücken stets ...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
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Why is GedankEN used in ‘Er hatte einen interessanten Gedanken’? [closed]

Why is it Gedanken in "Er hatte einen interessanten Gedanken"? I thought the noun should be Gedanke because it is a maskulin singular noun with Akk. Adjektiv applied in that sentence ...
Canny's user avatar
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Adjective ending without a noun/ noun seperated from it by a comma

Durch maßgeblich vom Menschen eingeleitete Veränderungen der weltweiten Nutzflächen für den Ackerbau und den zusätzlich einsetzenden Klimawandel kommt es in bestimmten Bereichen der Erde zunehmend zur ...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
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Capitalizing adjectives?

Mensch und Familie legen in den meisten Fällen nach individuellen Vorlieben Regeln zum Gebrauch der Straßen- oder Hausschuhe fest. Mut zur Lücke (B2-C1 Niveau) I believe Vorlieben is acting as ...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
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Usage of manche, sämtliche und solche as Artikel vs Adjektive

"Manche", "sämtliche" und "solche" können wie bestimmte Artikel (Regelfall) oder wie Adjektive (Ausnahme) verwendet werden. Die Endungen der nachfolgenden Adjektive ...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
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Jede Menge is used to modify plural noun or singular noun?

In this sentence —- Hier gibt es jede Menge interessante Gebäude. Es gibt should always be followed by Akkusativ, if I’m not wrong. I thought Jede Menge is used to modify the pl. noun Gebäude, if so, ...
Canny's user avatar
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Difference in meaning when a word is used as prepositional object vs adverbial object

Follow up to this post. I became interested in the title of this question, when the following exercise came in workbook: Rearrange the following and form a sentence: besonders-die Sommermonate der ...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
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Usage of Ernst as noun vs adjective in german

In English, I would say: You can not be serious! But, in German, one could either say: Du kannst es nicht ernst meinen (ernst as adjective) or, Das kann doch nicht dein Ernst sein. (ernst as noun)...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
7 votes
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Adjective Ending: Why 'faulen' in "Ihr faulen Kinder"?

I'd be very grateful to anybody who could help me with the following question: My question: Why is it "faulen" here? See text below: Text: Die Stiefmutter weckt Hänsel und Gretel: Ihr ...
Lujama's user avatar
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Why "erholsamen" and not "erholsames"? [closed]

Why "erholsamen" and not "erholsames" given that "Wochenende" is neuter? Which is correct? Nach einem erholsamen Wochenende begann er seine Arbeit am Montag mit neuem ...
user20396712's user avatar
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Two adjectives for one noun, but only one is declined [duplicate]

Two adjectives are used here, but only one of them is declined. Why? Die Ars Electronica ist das weltweit wichtigste Festival. Regards
Araz Täbris's user avatar
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Adjektivedeklination without noun

ich würde gerne neue Gartenstühle kaufen. Unsere alten gefallen mir nicht. In this sentence, why in the second sentence adjective (alten) ending -en, not -e. There is no noun after adjektive is it ...
drinkwassermeinfreund's user avatar
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Adjectives and adjectival nouns out of possessive pronouns

My question concerns adjectives and adjectival nouns derived from possessive pronouns. With regards to the former, my grammar book gives two ways of forming these, e.g., "der meine" oder &...
Dr.Doom's user avatar
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ach so + Adjektiv

Ich spüre deine ach so heftigen Schläge nicht mal! What does "ach so" here mean? Does it add sarcasm to the sentence?
Mario Bedon's user avatar
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Use of "ganz" instead of "alle/all"

Here is an excerpt from my German grammar book on the usage of the adjective "ganz" I have a couple of clarifications to make. First, why is "ganze" used in Nominativ and not &...
Dr.Doom's user avatar
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Wie kann man "Bohrungen am Bestand und an neuen Profilen" oder "Bohrungen am Bestand und am neuen Profil" kürzer sagen?

Kann man statt Bohrungen am Bestand und an neuen Profilen eines von Bohrungen am Bestand und neuen Profilen Bohrungen an Bestand und neuen Profilen schreiben? Ist es überhaupt möglich? Und wie ...
Karlo Grba's user avatar
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Regionale Verwendung des Wortes "arg"

Ich bin kein Muttersprachler des Deutschen und bin auf das Wort "arg" gestoßen. Laut Duden ist es in jeder Bedeutung entweder veraltet oder landschaftlich, allerdings wird da nicht angegeben,...
aldin's user avatar
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Adjective declension with certain pronouns, determiners

Most opinions for DaFS content consist of ‘manche’ and ‘solche’ and similar determiners are put into the der-word category (without any flexibility). “Manche schönen Bäume” while other sources split ...
Impromptu20's user avatar
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"Das deutsche Alphabet" and "deutsches Alphabet"

I'm learning German and currently at A1 level. I'm confused by the ABC poem that the authors put at the very beginning of the A1-A2 German textbook. It reads: A, B, C, D, E, F, G H, I, J, K, L, M, N ...
John's user avatar
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Capitalizing adjective?

A german native speaker corrected part of a sentence I wrote from "dem zen Buch" to "dem Zen Buch". I couldn't quite get it. Why do we capitalize the adjective here?
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
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Incorrect declension of possessive adjectives in DW manuscript?

In this text from DW, I noticed this sentence: Deshalb fügen sich die meisten in ihr Leid an dieser Kreuzung, auch wenn den wenigsten einleuchtet, warum ihnen die Stadt das antut. To my knowledge, ...
JoyfulPanda's user avatar
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Comparing using a noun vs comparing using an adjective

In one of my recent posts on r/Writestreakgerman (subreddit), I got the following statement corrected as the statement written underneath it. Meine Tage sind mehr Produktiv als vorher, weil ich mehr ...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
5 votes
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"guter gesundheitlicher Versorgung" why 'er'?

„Viele Menschen genießen dank finanzieller Absicherung durch das Rentensystem und guter gesundheitlicher Versorgung ihr Rentnerdasein.“ In this sentence I cannot understand why adjectives - 'guter' ...
MoinGerman's user avatar
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When can an adjective be only used in certain forms? [closed]

Today I heard that the adjective "unterstützend" can only be used in attributive and not predicative. Is this true? Furthermore, how can we know the form of usage of adjective is ...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
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Is there a Name for the Change of Vowels in German (Umlaute but also Contractions)?

I often found the change of sounds (vowel to Umlaut or contractions in general, like from the sound ei to ie) of certain irregular verbs, or plurals hard to remember. Also, sometimes I got confused ...
user40208's user avatar
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Kann man rot steigern?

Von zwei Deutschlehrern wurde mir - bzw. meinem Kind - gesagt, dass man Farben steigern kann. Explizites Beispiel der Lehrer: „Unsere Schule ist gelb, aber die Blume ist gelber.“ Ich habe das ...
Rene Kockisch's user avatar
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Types and forms of adjectives in German

I am reading this article. In the beginning it is said that there are three type of adjective: Predicative Adverbial Attributive Then later there is a mention of the comparitive forms of adjective:...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
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Bildung von Adjektiven aus Eigennamen

In der Stochastik gibt es Adjektive, die aus Eigennamen zusammengesetzt werden. Z.b. "bernoulliverteilt". Das ist eine bestimmte Eigenschaft einer Zufallsvariable und Bernoulli der Eigenname....
Peter Strouvelle's user avatar
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"klein Häschen" or "kleines Häschen"?

There is a children's song called "Klein Häschen wollt' spazieren gehn". And it's the first line of the song as well. "Häschen" is a neuter noun, so shouldn't it be "Kleines ...
Denis Zakharov's user avatar
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How do adjectives decline with multiple, mixed-gender nouns?

If I wanted to say "a free car, dog and cat" would "ein kostenloses Auto, Hund und Katze" work? or would I have to split it up and say "ein kostenloses Auto, ein ...
Jamie Winters's user avatar

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