Questions tagged [book]

The given other tags should clarify, whether the text/word was taken from a book (and therefore the language may be dated or really old) or whether a (e. g. reference) book is asked for.

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1 vote
1 answer

A book like "practice and progress"

Many years ago I was learning English and I used an old book "practice and progress". It was great because you read a short text and then reconstruct it with you own words by answering some ...
19 votes
2 answers

Is there any source to find German books categorised in terms of reading ease?

There are numerous readability measures like Flesch Readability test, Wiener Sachtextformel, etc. But is there someplace I could actually find common books listed with their respective reading ease ...
0 votes
0 answers

Deutsche Zeitschriften und Zeitungen zur TestDaF-Vorbereitung, hauptsächlich für den Leseteil

Zurzeit lese ich einige Zeitschriften, zwar "Spektrum der Wissenschaft", "Der Spiegel", "Zeit Campus" und einige Websiten, z.B. und Können Sie mir ...
1 vote
2 answers

German by natural approach

I want to learn German using the direct method/natural approach. I'm looking for the book similar to Latin Lingua Latina per se illustrata by Hans Orberg, where you basically learn Latin using the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why is there an introductory paragraph in a book translated into German?

I am reading a German translation of the American novel "The Pastures of Heaven" by John Steinbeck, and I noticed that on the first page there is a short summary paragraph that does not ...
1 vote
3 answers

Are there any good descriptive German grammar books?

Most books I find on German grammar are precriptive in the sense that they try to describe Grammar by giving some rules. This approaches make the amount of thinking required the language less , but, I ...
1 vote
2 answers

Welche Bücher sind für das B2/C1 Niveau gut geeignet?

Ich suche nach Büchern, mit denen ich meinen Wortschatz verbessern kann. Natürlich wäre es schön, wenn das Buch ein Klassiker, Pflichtlektüre oder interessantes Buch auch in der Richtung Wissensaufbau ...
0 votes
0 answers

Best reference book for German grammar? [duplicate]

I need to get to know the basic grammar of the German language in a short period of time. I previously used Bennet's New Latin Grammar to study Latin and I found it to be quite helpful since it was ...
0 votes
1 answer

About the free German language textbook with no copyright (open source e-book) [closed]

I am trying to learn the German language, so I found some e-book for this usage: MENSCHEN STARTEN WIR SICHER So if possible I like to find out by downloading the PDF of these e-books are in ...
1 vote
1 answer

What are the differences between A1 and A1/1? [closed]

I'm preparing for A1 German exam and found some books refer to A1/1: Menschen: Arbeitsbuch A1 MIT Audio-Cds MENSCHEN A1.1 Kursb Menschen A1 Kursbuch What the difference between A1 and A1/1?
4 votes
2 answers

Bilingual (German/English) Novel Resources

I want to ask where I can find/buy in pdf format bilingual beginner-intermediate level german novels similar to penguin parallel text novels. I searched but could not find a good resource.
1 vote
1 answer

I would like help figuring out what Old German Fairy Tale book this is. It is missing the cover, binding, and back cover [closed]

This book belongs to a good friend of mine. She is 81 and possessed this book since she was 4 years old, from Munich. The book contains 18 stories and 5 color illustrations. It is written in Old ...
0 votes
1 answer

Anyone have a link for this Duden book?

Today, I am going to what will hopefully be the first of many tandem speaking sessions. (I am a native English speaker, and my partner is German.) I am hoping that I can find online a book that I ...
6 votes
8 answers

Any German books with included vocabulary?

I am trying to learn German, but I find memorizing vocabulary lists very boring, and would prefer to read a book and just look up the words I don't get. The problem is, I find it really frustrating to ...
1 vote
1 answer

German textbook series for all levels (at least A1-B2) with lots of exercises

Hello my school is looking for new textbooks. I really like the style of textbook when you have doublepage with text exercises, few new works and separate workbook where you can practise at home. I ...
1 vote
1 answer

I am looking for level A1/A2 German books in PDF format

I want to learn German again from starting level. So I need simple books for the levels A1 and A2. Also, I want these in PDF format. Can you suggest me some resources for this issue?
2 votes
1 answer

Missing auxillary verb in usage of pluperfect in Thomas Manns "Der Zauberberg"

I have just finished reading "Der Zauberberg" by Thomas Mann and I couldn't help but notice that the author often leaves out the auxiliary verb (especially in the form of hatte) when writing in ...
1 vote
1 answer

Student books like English "Round-up" but for teaching/learning German language

I'm looking for the books like English "Round-up" to teach children German. I'm 100% sure that books like these exist but I just don't know about them. Could you help, please? More concrete: I need ...
2 votes
1 answer

Was ist 'der zweite Reiter' [closed]

Kürzlich habe ich dieses Krimi namens 'der zweite Reiter' gelesen, hier verlinkt. Nachdem ich fertig damit bin, ist mir immer noch nicht klar, was 'der zweite Reiter' bezeichnet. Hat es was mit einer ...
1 vote
0 answers

Need grammar book recommendations for review for former advanced speaker [closed]

Edit: I phrased the question ambiguously it seems. I appreciate all answers, but basically I'm looking for a thorough and yet relatively quick way to review German grammar. With "book" I meant grammar ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Novel authors known for advanced vocabulary [closed]

I'd like to expand my German vocabulary also while relaxing and reading and not only studying. However, most of the novels I've seen use very basic vocabulary and rarely any idioms or phrases. So, I ...
1 vote
2 answers

Suggestions of German grammar books

Currently I am studying german through the book serie Menschen. I found out that it is a general book, it does not encompass nice grammar explanations neither many exercises for practice, it is more ...
1 vote
3 answers

English-German bilingual books

I need some Ge-En bilingual parallel text story books for beginners with illustration and in-situ translation of new or difficult words. For example I attached a picture of a Russian-German book.
10 votes
3 answers

Gibt es auch eine deutsche Version von Standard eBooks?

Gibt es eine ähnlich Initiative wie Standard eBooks auch für deutsche Bücher? Standard eBooks ist ein Projekt in dem freizugängliche Texte (z.B. Gutenberg) typographisch überarbeitet werden.
3 votes
3 answers

Why is George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" titled "Das Lied von Eis und Feuer" in German instead of "Ein Lied von Eis und Feuer"?

This change always bothered me. Is there a rule in German that prevents book titles from starting with an indefinite article?
4 votes
2 answers

Ist "siehe oben" in einem Buch sinnvoll?

Ich schrieb "siehe oben" in meinem Buch (als ich auf eine frühere Stelle verwies), und der Verleger meinte, "oben"/"unten" gäbe es nur in Textdokumenten, aber nicht in Büchern (es sei denn, der ...
0 votes
1 answer

Deutsche Ausgabe von "A river of Grass" von Marjorie Stoneman Douglas [closed]

Wurde das Buch A River of Grass von Marjory Stoneman Douglas jemals ins Deutsche übersetzt? Und wenn es übersetzt wurde, wurde Ein Fluss von Gras als Titel verwendet?
3 votes
3 answers

Is a Krimi a subset of a Roman?

I was wondering if all Krimis are Romane or if only a Kriminalroman has both elements of a Krimi and a Roman. What are the carachteristics of each if they are not the same? Edit: I was thinking of ...
3 votes
1 answer

What are good free eBooks for levels A2/B1 [closed]

I found some sources of free ebooks, but not sure which is good for intermediate level (A2/B1). Any recommendations? It doesn't necessarily be free book, but it's better of course. https://www....
4 votes
1 answer

Brief, To the point, no-nonsense German grammar book written in English [duplicate]

EDIT NEWBIE ALERT: PLEASE SUGGEST ONLY ENGLISH WRITTEN BOOKS I think the title said it all, but for the sake of completeness, i rephrase it again. I want a non-repetitive(have you seen those books ...
7 votes
1 answer

Das Wort 'haben' fallen lassen? [duplicate]

Ich lese gerade das Buch 'Die Welt von Gestern' von Stefan Zweig, und ich hab gemerkt, dass es oft so ausschaut, als ob er das Wort 'haben' fallen lässt. Zum Beispiel: Und wir brauchten nicht ...
0 votes
2 answers

Gute Grammatik der deutschen Sprache gesucht, die für englischsprachige Lerner geschrieben ist

Ich suche eine wirklich gute Grammatik des Deutschen in englischer Sprache, denn aus der Außenperspektive und im Sprachvergleich werden oft Probleme sichtbar, die einem nicht bewusst werden, solange ...
1 vote
1 answer

Books like active reading series for German [closed]

I had 5 different level of active reading books for English which increased my reading very well. For increasing my reading talent in German: Is there any book (or series of books) for German like ...
3 votes
2 answers

Was bedeutet dieser Satz aus «Deutsch für junge Profis»

Hier sind ein paar Sätze aus «Deutsch für junge Profis». Ich verstehe den letzten Satz nicht, bitte erklären Sie ihn. Habe ich meinen Ehrgeiz richtig eingesetzt, um beim Wettlauf um die ...
0 votes
4 answers

Written on a book I bought "Fresst meinen Sternenstaub, ihr Langweiler!"

What does "Fresst meinen Sternenstaub, ihr Langweiler!" mean? I tried google translate but nothing showed up.
2 votes
1 answer

Ein deutscher Buchverlag, wie Penguin books?

Also ich bin ein 20-jähriger und wohne seit einem Jahr in Deutschland. Mittlerweile besuche ich ein Gymnasium und habe noch zwei Jahre bis zum Abitur. Ich möchte ein paar Empfehlung bekommen. Welche ...
9 votes
1 answer

German language self-study materials/media

I am looking out for self-study German books targeted for beginners. Please help me to compile a good list of titles worth buying.
3 votes
1 answer

„benutzen“ versus „benützen“ in Heinrich Bölls Übersetzung von „Der Fänger im Roggen“

Gerade eben lese ich Heinrich Bölls Übersetzung von Jerome David Salingers berühmtem Buch „Der Fänger im Roggen“. In Kapitel 4 ist mir dabei eine sehr seltsame Formulierung aufgefallen. Ganz zu Beginn ...
6 votes
2 answers

Bedeutung und Erklärung von »diejenige welche sein«

In einem Kriminalroman fand ich folgenden Satz: Das Rätsel um Brookies Tod war nicht durch Fotoapparate oder Notizen zu lösen, sondern im Chemielabor. Und ich würde diejenige welche sein. Mir, ...
17 votes
15 answers

Classic childrens books that are unknown outside of DE/AT/CH?

This question is present as a matter of historical interest. While you are encouraged to help maintain its answers, please understand that "big list" questions are not generally allowed on German ...
2 votes
2 answers

What version of the protestant Bible was familiar in Germany around 1880? [closed]

Records in the niedersächsisches Landesarchiv show the mathematician Richard Dedekind was specific about how he wanted a certain aphorism of his reported. He had given it in 1878 and he wanted it ...
1 vote
2 answers

Basic German books of novel to learn the language for beginners (1000 words or A1/A2 level)

I'm looking for some easy books to read like the following one which is in English, but I need some in German: link But the search is not very easy since I find a lot of "false positive" like the ...
3 votes
5 answers

Recommended reading strategies for intermediate speakers to build up their German

I learnt English mostly by reading all sorts of books once I'd a very rudimentary grasp of the basics. This was not intentional, but reading a lot is what in retrospect was the most helpful for me to ...
7 votes
1 answer

Writing mathematical texts in German

I am looking for something like an "encyclopedia" of practical guidelines on writing mathematical papers/texts in German (lists of common phrases in mathematics in German, common sentence ...
6 votes
4 answers

Comic books in German for beginners

This question is present as a matter of historical interest. While you are encouraged to help maintain its answers, please understand that "big list" questions are not generally allowed on German ...
12 votes
7 answers

Books like "English Grammar in use" for the German language

"English Grammar in Use" - Cambridge University Press is amazing. Is there any similar books for the German language? [Update]: "English Grammar in Use" is amazing because each unit spans one ...
4 votes
2 answers

On the use of "Ad" + section number in a work of German philosophy from the early 1700's

I am trying to get familiar with a work by German philosopher Christian Wolff. The book is called Vernünftige Gedanken von Gott, der Welt und der Seele des Menschen, auch allen Dingen überhaupt. I ...
2 votes
4 answers

Best books for Hören

As you know Hören is a critical skill for improving the other skills (Schreiben, Sprechen and Lesen). I am looking for a set of books that would teach me this skill and give me good exercises? I am ...
2 votes
0 answers

Etymologie des Ortsnamens »Bezanika« aus dem Roman »Jakob der Lügner« [closed]

Ich hab vor einigen Wochen »Jakob der Lügner« gelesen (und war, von einem Schulbuch, positiv überrascht) und mir stellte sich eine Frage, die mir meine Lehrerin nicht beantworten konnte. Weiß jemand, ...
9 votes
4 answers

Are old textbooks still useful for learning German?

I know someone who is teaching himself German from the original copy of Assimil printed in 1957. He thought to himself, "wouldn't it be hilarious if I spent years learning out-dated German?". Is ...