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Do insults require feminine forms?

In German when referring to someone's profession I had the impression it was mandatory to specify their gender, e.g. a female professor is "eine Professorin." However, is this required when ...
odduse_of_language's user avatar
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What gender is to be assigned to words that are directly taken from English like 'Jobinterview'? [duplicate]

I have observed that most of the words taken from English are assigned the neuter gender. Is it true for all words DIRECTLY taken from English?
Umair's user avatar
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Can "jede" or "jedes" be independent pronoun?

Which gender of verb should I use for indefinitive pronouns? If we are talking about women or kids, and I want to say "everyone", how do I say it? Will "Jedes Kind" become "jedes" and "Jede Frau" ...
arthamez's user avatar
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When would you use "er" or "sie" instead of "es", specifically with the meaning of "it"? [closed]

I answered the translation of "Is it not your jacket", as "Sie ist nicht deine Jacke". Duolingo marked this wrong. Am I indeed wrong, or is this an error in the accepted answer? I know that I have ...
Ryan Mortensen's user avatar
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Geschlechtsneutrale Übersetzung für „cousins“

Ich übersetze einen englischen Text, worin sich die Wörter „my cousins“ im Kontext auf einen Cousin (männlich) und zwei Cousinen (weiblich) bezieht. Die korrekteste Übersetzung wäre also vermutlich „...
Andii's user avatar
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How do Germans refer to an object whose noun is unknown?

For example, suppose a German native is walking on a road but does not know the word "die Straße" (so she also doesn't know the noun gender). She then points down at the road says, "I walk on it." ...
Wayne's user avatar
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"zum Zahnarzt" or "zur Zahnärztin" for female dentist?

I'm going to see the dentist today. If the dentist is female, should I say (a) Ich gehe heute zur Zahnärztin. or (b) Ich gehe heute zum Zahnarzt. I think (a) should be the correct version, ...
boaten's user avatar
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