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Questions tagged [learning]

Questions asking for learning resources and advice on the process of learning German. Do not use this tag for questions about specific features of the German language.

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9 votes
3 answers

What is this font called and how to study it

What is this font called , I thought that in German it's called "Gotisch" but a Google search proved me wrong. Also, whats a good way to learn how to read it?
Deutscherisch's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How can I learn German to travel to Germany without access to online courses?

I want to learn German because I plan to travel to Germany. However, I don't know where to start. Additionally, I cannot purchase any online courses because my country has banned most transactions to ...
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1 vote
5 answers

Where can I find native German speakers to practice with for free?

I find it easier to learn German when I practice speaking or conversing. Could someone tell me where I can find native German speakers to practice with for free?
Davi Komura de Castro's user avatar
0 votes
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"abgekatertes Spiel" synonym mit "abgekartetes Spiel"?

Meiner Recherche nach existieren beide Phrasen. Wörterbüchern nach heiße "abgekartetes Spiel" "im Vorhinein getroffene heimliche Übereinkunft zum Nachteil eines Dritten; Manipulation, ...
ghoul's user avatar
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How do I learn from/for whom is this German textbook intended?

I studied German in school more than 20 years ago. I remember quite a few words and the general idea of how to put a sentence together. Now I would like to pick up my studies again as an adult. I ...
nuggethead's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is there a difference between "tief" and "niedrig"?

From what I see, tief means deep while niedrig means low. However, I have seen some websites claim that tief can also be used as low. Is it situational or geographical? Is one more common than the ...
Blair the Language Learner's user avatar
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Wie lernt man die Kollokationen zwischen Präpositionen und anderen Wortarten am besten, auf höherem Niveau (C1/C2)?

Mir hat mein Deutschlehrer ein Blatt gegeben, wo die fehlenden Präpositionen auszufüllen sind. Es ist auf höherem Niveau (C2), und ich habe bemerkt, dass es manchmal wirklich schwierig ist, die ...
Cerulean's user avatar
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Grammatikspiel, Lernspiel, Game für die Fälle Akkusativ, Dativ, Nominativ und Genitiv

Ich suche ein Lernspiel, um die Fälle Nominativ, Akkusativ, Dativ und Genitiv mit Kindern zwischen 8 und 12 Jahren zu üben. Eine Suche nach Grammar bei Github hatte u.a. Deutsch Grammatik ergeben, ...
surfmuggle's user avatar
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Deutsche Zeitschriften und Zeitungen zur TestDaF-Vorbereitung, hauptsächlich für den Leseteil

Zurzeit lese ich einige Zeitschriften, zwar "Spektrum der Wissenschaft", "Der Spiegel", "Zeit Campus" und einige Websiten, z.B. und Können Sie mir ...
Celestial-Voyage's user avatar
-3 votes
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Tips for doing Lückentests/Cloze tests? [closed]

This form of test is very commonly used as an entrance exam to preparatory courses all over Germany. Hence, the question is, how can one properly prepare for it? Here is an example: Mut zur Lücke B2
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
0 votes
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Simple German like Simple English

Is there any subset of the German language similar to "simple English"? By "simple English" I mean a subset of English easily readable by those whose mother tongue is some other ...
SkyJuravlik's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Expectations and milestones in German language learning at different levels

I recently completed A1 level, and I'm wondering what I can expect from myself at this stage and in future levels. Currently, I can make some simple sentences, but I often find myself mentally ...
Emily John's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

'Nachdem Inge das Fleisch in der Pfanne verbrannt ist, [ ... ].' Why do we use 'ist' instead of 'hat' here?

On this website of DW Deutsch Lernen I came across a sentence that really confused me: Nachdem Inge das Fleisch in der Pfanne verbrannt ist, landet sie mit Nico zum Mittagessen im Marek. Why do we ...
Dennis's user avatar
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Why is "Mädel" neuter, if it has a feminine referent? [duplicate]

I won't pretend to be an expert on the German language, which is of course why I'm asking a question of this kind, but this baffled me when I looked up "Mädel" (girl):
Teofilo's user avatar
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Commanding multiple dogs with the German imperative

I'm just a beginner learning to give my three Malinois puppies commands with the German imperative. When using online translators to learn how to give a particular command in German, I've found it ...
Joe Bradley's user avatar
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4 answers

Should I give up learning German? [closed]

Firstly, some context. I’m learning German for fun, a hobby. I don’t live in Germany or a German-speaking country, but I love Germany, and this year I’ve been fortunate to visit numerous times. I ...
Rob's user avatar
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1 answer

"wenig" als Adjektiv oder Adverb [duplicate]

Welcher Satz ist richtig: Es hat wenig Kalorien. oder Es hat wenigen Kalorien.
moha's user avatar
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2 votes
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Going from Goethe C1 to Goethe C2 for ETHz in 4 months

I am currently studying German because I would like to study my bachelor's degree at ETH Zürich. To be admitted I need to either get at least an 80% grade in all Goethe C1 modules or at least a 60% ...
David's user avatar
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About the Michel Thomas German course. Does he have a good accent?

A video of Michel Thomas teaching, one in the black coat I struggle to learn unless I know I'm listening to a person with a good accent. In other words, are there any foreign accent in his speech. It'...
Charlie Cho's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

What would you include in your German first lesson? [closed]

I will soon start teaching at a language school and just wanted to ask around what you would include in your first German lesson for non-native speakers (French/British)? I've got a plan but would ...
peach_blossom's user avatar
1 vote
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Which German podcasts on Spotify have regular new content and lots of talking?

Which Spotify podcasts are speaking-heavy (in German) with lots of new content of general interest? Deutschlandfunk is pretty good and looking for similar, something with even more talking constantly. ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
0 votes
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about finding a proper German language learning app with low interactive educational methods [duplicate]

I am an electrical engineer and, because of some conditions, work as a house cleaner ( maid). I am trying to learn German to qualify myself for a German job speaker visa, and I am searching for some ...
so sa's user avatar
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Difference between "Seite öffnen" and "Öffne die Seite"

Seite öffnen - Open the page Öffne die Seite - Open the page (present tense imperative?) The same applies to: Fenster schließen - close the window Schließe das Fenster - close the window (present ...
nmzik's user avatar
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3 answers

Welche Bücher sind für das B2/C1 Niveau gut geeignet?

Ich suche nach Büchern, mit denen ich meinen Wortschatz verbessern kann. Natürlich wäre es schön, wenn das Buch ein Klassiker, Pflichtlektüre oder interessantes Buch auch in der Richtung Wissensaufbau ...
Ardeshir Moeinian's user avatar
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German by natural approach

I want to learn German using the direct method/natural approach. I'm looking for the book similar to Latin Lingua Latina per se illustrata by Hans Orberg, where you basically learn Latin using the ...
Dachi Pachulia's user avatar
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Is there service where i can read and listen to the book at the same time?

Is there any mobile apps or online service where you can read, listen to german books and make some notes or even translation (at least to select the word). I know the similar services by famous brand....
Anthony's user avatar
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Neugierige Kollegen bringen ... auf die Palme. (mich oder mir)

I came across a practice question online. Can anyone help explain why the correct answer is mich, and not mir?
Senor Jo's user avatar
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C2 Zertifikat, Materialen für die Vorbereitung

Ich suche nach Materialen für die Vorbereitung aufs C2 Zertifikat. Ich habe schon das C1 Zertifikat bestanden und möchte noch weitermachen. Also, wenn jemand mir ein Buch, Webseite oder einfach ...
Z.P12's user avatar
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21 votes
7 answers

How bad does it sound in German *not* to separate separable verbs?

More to get a feeling of the severity of this error, how bad does it sound when someone makes the mistake of not separating a separable verb? For example: "Ich bereite mich auf eine Prüfung vor.&...
user1284631's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

pronunciation of e in the word geradeaus

I have recently started learning German, and I am facing a great deal of pain in pronouncing 'e'. I am not a native English speaker, but I am speaking it since I can remember. So while learning German ...
Momobear's user avatar
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Gesprochene Sprache lernen

Können Sie mir bitte zwei Bücher oder Quellen empfehlen, die die folgenden Eigenschaften haben: Man soll damit die in Alltag gesprochene Sprache lernen können. Man soll damit Sätze oder Fragen (...
omidreza nouri's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Obtaining same-grade German language texts for bilingual child who left Germany

We recently left Germany where our son had spent most of elementary school and become bilingual through total immersion. We are interested in obtaining German language textbooks, addressing German ...
barnhillec's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the word for

I am studying German and I'm looking for the "assembled" word that sums up the complex concept of: looking intently in the eyes of a person and hope that she will say what he does not have ...
mattia.b89's user avatar
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Which word to use for "there", "dort" or "da"? [duplicate]

I have been studying German lately. I have come across one course material. In that they are using dort and da interchangeably in different sentences. I want to know when you use what?
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Advice on a suitable study plan [closed]

I took a German B2 course a year ago. I would like to improve my German so I have been doing some translations. However, the difficulties with verbs that require dative or accusative forms and the ...
Tesla's user avatar
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How to help a beginner to speak German?

I am a German native speaker and I am going to help a student with speaking German, who is at beginner level. How would we have the conversation such that the student can take the most out of it? ...
A-V Labs's user avatar
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What resource should I use to learn enough German language to understand a movie scene?

I want to understand the famous scene of movie "Der Untergang" (or Downfall) without looking at subtitles. I found out the official English subtitles do not translate the sentences very ...
cr001's user avatar
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9 votes
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'Jemand hat seinen' or 'jemand hat ihren'?

Which is right? Or both? Gestern war ich in der Schlange. Jemand hat mir ihren Platz gegeben. Gestern war ich in der Schlange. Jemand hat mir seinen Platz gegeben. Is jemand masculine or feminine or ...
Colonel Panic's user avatar
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Rigorous German grammar books written in English aimed at teaching the most basic up to advanced (preferably without exercises) suggestions

Meta-observation: Firstly, I apologize for posting another question like this one, but most of grammar books related posts give a recommendation of either a general textbook (i.e. not only containing ...
user743574's user avatar
0 votes
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How do German-speaking children learn cases and adjective endings? [closed]

I ask because these rules give adult learners no end of headache, so how does a child learn them? A child hears "schönes Wetter", and learns that. Next time when she says "schönes Hund&...
HPB's user avatar
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Grammar/Sources recomendation [duplicate]

I have just joined this community and I really want to learn by my own German. On StackExchange English Language they have lots of grammar suggestions, however, I could not find a similar post here (...
Mr. N's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Why do only some conjunctions push the verb to the end?

In the following examples, the conjunction pushes the verb to the end of the sentence: Du trinkst, weil du Durst hast. Ich mag es, wenn es einfach ist. Der Käse ist gut, obwohl er alt ist. However,...
Jessica's user avatar
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I have a very hard time parsing long German sentences

I routinely find myself puzzling for long stretches of time over the meaning of long German sentences, as are often found in academic writing, for example. Here I'm referring to sentences where the ...
kjo's user avatar
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Online-Wörterbuch / Lernmaterialien ab C1-Level

Gibt es ein Online-Deutsch-Wörterbuch, in dem steht, ob die Wörter geeignet für ein formelles Schreiben sind? Ich möchte die C1-Prüfung machen und es ist dringend notwendig, dass ich meine ...
tom's user avatar
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Is there any way to download subtitles from ARD Mediathek? [closed]

I watch a lot of ARD dramas to improve my listening comprehension, and I also use the dialogues to create cards for my Anki collection. Currently I do all this manually, i.e. when I find something ...
HPB's user avatar
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Resources for relearning German after a long "absence"

During my middle and high school years I lived in Vienna and became (nearly) fluent in German. However since then I've had almost no occasion to use my German (except for a college course or two) and ...
orome's user avatar
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Anyone have a link for this Duden book?

Today, I am going to what will hopefully be the first of many tandem speaking sessions. (I am a native English speaker, and my partner is German.) I am hoping that I can find online a book that I ...
Mayor of the Plattenbaus's user avatar
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German textbook series for all levels (at least A1-B2) with lots of exercises

Hello my school is looking for new textbooks. I really like the style of textbook when you have doublepage with text exercises, few new works and separate workbook where you can practise at home. I ...
EFK's user avatar
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I am looking for level A1/A2 German books in PDF format

I want to learn German again from starting level. So I need simple books for the levels A1 and A2. Also, I want these in PDF format. Can you suggest me some resources for this issue?
In-my-country-we-dont-use-name's user avatar
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Why "the girl" is "das Mädchen" and not "die Mädchen"? [duplicate]

I am learning German and words like das, die, der are confusing me. "The woman" in German is "die Frau" which indicates that "die" is used for females. But then there is "das Mädchen", here we are ...
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