Questions tagged [meaning]

Bedeutung - Questions on definitions and nuances of words, phrases or sentences.

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2 votes
1 answer

Was bedeutet "oder wie?" als Fragewörter am Satzende?

Nochmal aus QualityLand von Kling:  "Diese Nanny beherrscht vier verschiedene Kampfkünste", hatte sie Martyn erklärt, "und kann unser Mädchen vor Kinderschändern schützen.""...
2 votes
1 answer

zählen vs auszählen

What is the difference between "auszählen" and "zählen" when they mean to count something? The DWDS dictionary defines "auszählen" as "durch Zählen die genaue Anzahl ...
0 votes
3 answers

Kann A und dann kann B

Ich kann mir 5 Wochen Urlaub nehmen und dann kann ich mit meinen Kindern verreisen. Ich kann 5 Esel füttern und dann kann ich 3 Äpfel essen. From context we know that we need at least 1 day without ...
7 votes
1 answer

What's the meaning of "es handelt sich um"?

I've seen a post before asking the same question, except I didn't get all the information that I wanted. I understand that it means, "it is" or "we're dealing with"? If this is correct, can you please ...
6 votes
3 answers

German equivalent titles which use continuous conjugation of verb

In English, I have seen many books and videos with titles like: Understanding Quantum Mechanics Finding Nemo Going away But how do I say something like the above in German?
-2 votes
2 answers

Is this a mistake in DWDS?

Is the definition of "verborgen" in DWDS completely wrong, or am I missing something? Duden has: den Blicken anderer entziehen; verstecken and der Kenntnis, dem Wissen anderer vorenthalten, ...
7 votes
4 answers

"Ich bin ein bisschen spät dran" Was heißt "dran"?

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Ich bin ein bisschen spät und Ich bin ein bisschen spät dran? Wenn ich einfach die erste Version benutze, klingt es als würde etwas fehlen?
1 vote
2 answers

Adjectives and adjectival nouns out of possessive pronouns

My question concerns adjectives and adjectival nouns derived from possessive pronouns. With regards to the former, my grammar book gives two ways of forming these, e.g., "der meine" oder &...
3 votes
1 answer

Difference between Erzeugen vs Erstellen vs Erschaffen

This post explains to me the difference between first two but could someone explain the difference between third and first two?
14 votes
6 answers

Meaning of asozial in German language

I recently heard the word "asozial" is an insult in Germany. As far as I know, in other cultures it is not perceived as an insult in general. How bad is it in meaning in German culture?
1 vote
1 answer

'für den Preis von ...' vs 'zum Preis von ...'

I came across these two sentences on different websites: ein Dreierset Hemden für den Preis von einem. Drei Päckchen Kaffee zum Preis von zwei. Are the expressions 'für den Preis' and 'zum Preis' ...
5 votes
2 answers

What would be the best term to describe laboratory equipment?

How can I say "lab equipment" in German? By that I mean items like centrifuges, blotting and chromatography devices, autoclaves. Not furniture and not clothes. I am picking between ...
1 vote
4 answers

What is the meaning of Pfadarbeit, as a way of spiritual development?

I am translating text from English to Bulgarian, but some of its original form had been written in German. Therefore, there are specific English words that do not translate properly. One such a word ...
38 votes
4 answers

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen "reden" und "sprechen"?

Ich denke, sie sind Synonyme; aber sind sie es wirklich? "Reden" scheint mehr umgangssprachlich zu sein, während "sprechen" ganz viele verschiedene Bedeutungen hat. Warum gibt es das Wort "reden"? ...
24 votes
4 answers

stressing of "umfahren" in German dialects

The word “umfahren” has different meanings and apparently one of them is the opposite of the other. etw. úmfahren: to hit sth by a vehicle etw. umfáhren: to drive around sth Example: Du sollst das ...
16 votes
7 answers

What is the meaning of "mimimi"?

Sometimes I see people write "mimimi" in AFD tweets (for example this). Googling for the meaning wasn't useful. So, what is the meaning of "mimimi"? I even discovered the #mimimi hashtag, used in ...
6 votes
7 answers

What does "stackenblochen" mean?

In a chat room, someone sent a link to this youtube video: . In the video they use the word Stackenblochen I have never heard the word, even though I ...
0 votes
1 answer

Which on-line resources to use for an Austrian definition of a term?

Looking for an Austrian definition of the term "Multikulturalismus." Or do Austrians simply use a German dictionary such as "Duden"?
3 votes
2 answers

Wird hier "veranlasst" im Sinne von "angewandt" benutzt?

Der Arztbrief gibt einen zusammenfassenden Überblick über den Status des Patienten bei der Entlassung, einen Rückblick über den Krankheitsverlauf, die veranlasste Therapie, eine Interpretation des ...
0 votes
1 answer

erst mal vs vorerst vs fürs Erste

I have the following sentence heard in the Kitz TV series: Danke, erst mal. Context: A police investigator thanks a girl after asking her some questions about the death of a young rich friend of ...
0 votes
1 answer

How should this sentence with the seemingly critical words "willst" and "doch" be interpreted?

I came across the following sentence, which according to the written source is formulated as such: Willst du mehr – ganz unersättlich – doch der Kosmos ist zerbrechlich. I suppose that "...
5 votes
5 answers

German word for 'feeling no particular way' without negative connotation?

I'm trying to hunt down a word I can't seem to find anywhere. In English the feeling would be put 'feeling no particular way,' or simply existing with emphasis. Emptiness isn't the right meaning, as ...
3 votes
1 answer

Why "Führerschein" instead of "Fahrerschein"?

Führen means lead or guide. Führer is leader. Führerschein is, however, driving license. For driving, there is a more suitable word: fahren. So I expect driving license should be Fahrerschein. Is ...
0 votes
3 answers

This seems like a strange use of the verb stellen [duplicate]

This sentence appears in Anthony Doerr's Alles Licht, das wir nicht sehen, Aus dem Englischen von Werner Löcher-Lawrence: Die Amerikaner haben die Deutschen vorm Meer gestellt. DeepL translates this ...
2 votes
1 answer

Ursprung und Bedeutung von „Auge, @<username>“ in Social-Media-Postings

In Social-Media-Postings findet man gelegentlich die Formulierung Auge, @<username>. Ich vermute, sie wird gebraucht, um jemand auf etwas hinzuweisen, im Sinne von: Das betrifft dich, @<...
11 votes
4 answers

What does this sentence with stellen mean?

This is among the example sentences in Duden for stellen: die Polizei stellte die Verbrecher Google translate says it means, in English: the police caught the criminals DeepL says it means: the ...
3 votes
3 answers

"durch [etwas] unverdorben"

Im folgenden Satz: X ist durch Y unverdorben. Ist Y der Grund, dass X unverdorben ist? Oder wurde X davor bewahrt, von Y verdorben zu werden? Beispiel Barbara ist durch ihre Mutter unverdorben. ...
1 vote
2 answers

What does "Leidzeit" mean?

I translated "Leidzeit" into English, but I feel somehow it's just a literal translation for this word. I want to know the most usage of this word and how can I use it? Thanks in advance, my ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why „guter“ in „zu guter Letzt“?

Two questions regarding “zu guter Letzt”? (1) The comparative sequence of „gut“ is „gut/besser/am besten“ and a common beginner‘s mistake would be, „Mein Computer ist guter als deiner“ rather than „ ...
1 vote
3 answers

immer vs immer mehr - progressive changes

I have heard the following sentence in a Russian-Ukraine war report in the DW channel: Junge Leute werden immer unzufrieden. I initially translated this to "Young people always become ...
4 votes
5 answers

Using "sich überlegen" to express "decide to do sth"

My question concerns the number of ways one may express "to decide to do sth" in German. One can use "sich entschließen" or "sich entscheiden" followed by a zu-infinitive ...
13 votes
4 answers

Understand the difference between "sich beschweren" und "sich beklagen"

For me both of these verbs roughly mean "to complain". Here are Duden entries for "sich beschweren" and "sich beklagen". The examples are not really helpful: Ich habe ...
15 votes
5 answers

Can "Teekesselchen" mean "homonym"?

Looking up what the name of the game Teekesselchen means, I saw that translates it as "homonym". It does, though, seem to be a diminutive of Teekessel (teapot). Can it really be used to mean "...
5 votes
2 answers

Concerning the word, "schwarzbraun;" Does this term, when applied to a person, literally mean "blackbrown", or connote "brunette"?

[1] Concerning the word, "schwarzbraun;" Does this term, when applied to a person, literally mean "black brown", or connote "brunette"? [2] Does schwarzbraun suggest a ...
6 votes
3 answers

Difference between “Auffassen” and “Begreifen” in Hegel's “Phänomenologie des Geistes”

Here's the first paragraph from Hegel’s Phänomenologie des Geistes: Das Wissen, welches zuerst oder unmittelbar unser Gegenstand ist, kann kein anderes sein als dasjenige, welches selbst ...
2 votes
2 answers

Can the word “Schlange” refer to a “dragon”?

In my German/English dictionary, the primary translation for “Schlange” is: snake, serpent In English, the word “serpent” usually refers to a “snake”, but it can also refer to a “dragon” (or another ...
0 votes
1 answer

Mohnhaft 1928 meaning

I have been sent a document from Lübeck dated 1928 where the word "mohnhaft" in reference to a record made about my grandmother. Can you help? I'll gladly send a copy of the document.
10 votes
1 answer

Was ist ein Kurzsack?

Bei der Bearbeitung einer Frage auf einer anderen Stackexchange-Seite traf ich auf folgendes Wort: Wenn ein Mädchen den Burschen gefallen und beim Tanze das erste sein will, da muss es an einem ...
9 votes
4 answers

Bach und Ache, sind sie verwandt?

Sowohl bei der Ache (bspw. enthalten im Ortsnamen Eisenach) als auch beim Bach handelt es sich um Wasserläufe. Weiß jemand, ob der Bach auf das Wort Ache zurückzuführen ist oder eine anderweitige ...
4 votes
2 answers

How should I understand when a word is not in DWDS, but in the literature?

While reading a modern novel in German, Alles Licht, das wir nicht sehen, I came across the word, "Verrieseln": Kalte Winde blasen vom Atlantik heran, und Etienne verbarrikadiert sich im ...
2 votes
1 answer

Origin and Meaning of Prefix "ver-"

What is etymology of the prefix "ver" and what does it do to a word? For example, "lassen" means "let" but "verlassen" means "leave"
0 votes
3 answers

Is "Verbockt" pejorative?

I came across word "verbockt". As far as I know, it translates to "messed up" or so. My question is, whether it's pejorative or not - so, if I can safely use it in normal ...
10 votes
2 answers

What is »Trööt«?

The word Trööt appears in the title of the article “Bundesregierung im Fall Yücel. Protest ohne Trööt.” from Der Spiegel. For context purposes, here is the introductory paragraph of the article: Der ...
15 votes
2 answers

Bedeutung von »so wahr mir Gott helfe«

Was bedeutet die Schwurformel »so wahr mir Gott helfe«? Gilt der Eid dann nur, falls Gott dem Eidleistenden hilft? Falls ja, müsste Gott dem Eidleistenden dann nur zum Zeitpunkt des Schwurs helfen, ...
8 votes
5 answers

What is the origin of the word "Art"?

I'm currently reading C. P. E. Bach's "Versuch über die wahre Art das Clavier zu spielen". This title has been translated into english as "Essay on the true art of playing keyboard instruments". For ...
10 votes
5 answers

What does Droßelmeier name mean in Hoffmann's The Nutcracker and the Mouse King?

I'm curious: What does godfather (or uncle) Droßelmeier surname mean in Nussknacker und Mausekönig? I found some translations of Droßel: 'Song thrush' (bird). It is also 'electromagnetic choke' (why?),...
11 votes
2 answers

Woher kommt das Wort "Blümpen" und was bedeutet es?

Es gibt in der Dresdner Heide einen "Blümpenweg" (kann man sich zum Beispiel auf Openstreetmap anschauen) und auch eine Region in der Nähe, die auf Wanderkarten als "Die Blümpen" eingetragen ist. Weiß ...
6 votes
4 answers

Can "Zusammenstellung" mean "summary"?

As far as I understand, "Zusammenstellung" means a compilation, a grouping of something. That is what I gather from Duden, Wictionary, etc. But in Linguee, it is also sometimes translated by ...
0 votes
2 answers

"Explizites Einverständnis" gegenüber "implizites Einverständnis"

In einem elektronischen Formular beschreibe ich, wie die Daten verarbeitet werden. Am Schluss steht dann: "Durch das Absenden ... erklären Sie sich explizit mit der beschriebenen Verarbeitung ...
1 vote
3 answers

"annehmen" means both "assume" and "presume"

Consider these two English words: assume presume Similar they may be, there is still a subtle difference between the two, namely the action of "presuming" involving more certainty. Now, ...

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