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Modern short-form German names for boys and girls [closed]

Gion is a short-form name for Johannes, a boy's name. What are other examples for German, Austrian or Swiss boys and girls?
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When should you use more than one letter in initials of a name (“Th.” for “Theodor”, “Ph.” for “Philipp”, etc)?

(This is a followup to the answers of Is ‘Th.’ in a name a short form of Theodor?, hoping to learn more details than are given there.) It’s quite common in German for first-name initials to be given ...
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Is 'Th.' in a name the short form of Theodor?

I have come across some occurrences of 'Dr. Th.' followed by a name. I first thought it means Doctor theologiae, but I am seeing it in contexts that have nothing to do with theology. Example: ...
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